Wednesday, May 13, 2020

European Union Foreign Policy In A Changing World Summary

The second edition of Karen E Smith’s book European Union Foreign Policy in a Changing World is another installation of the series started in 2003. The second installation is an update and expansion in which she offers a crisp and different outlook on the intricacies of the contemporaneous European Union’s foreign policy. Karen expounds on EU foreign policy by not only examining what the European Union is but also what it does. The book has nine chapters that delve into different aspects of the European Union policy but all focusing on the union’s foreign policy objectives. In the introduction chapter, Karen introduces the five pivotal foreign policy objectives that the European Union strives to achieve. These are: i.Advocacy for regional†¦show more content†¦The European Coal and Steel Community body was created post war second world war not only to achieve peace but also to solve the economic difficulties that the countries were facing. To achieve this, six countries agreed t the Treaty of Paris in effect forming an area of free trade. The book also looks at the the European Economic Community, a body created in 1958 to build a common market that had no tariffs or bottlenecks to the movement of goods and labor. This chapter looks at the transformation of the European Union through a number of political reforms and is depicted through the evolution of three distinct pillars:the European Communities, The Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) and the The Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) Council. This evolution is tracked to what Smith describes as ‘the world’s largest unified market and trading bloc that conducts economic and trading relations with virtually every country ’(Smith, 21). The next chapter looks at the policy instruments that are available to the European Union. These policy instruments are economic, diplomatic and military. In the evaluation of each of these policy instruments Smith looks at certain policy tools are assessed. Some of the policy tools that are evaluated under economic instruments are trade and cooperation agreements with third world countries, development aid to those countries is evaluated, regional associations are also presented coupled with their share in the 2007 European UnionShow MoreRelatedE Commerce And The Internet Essay1226 Words   |  5 Pagessupply different services are used (Basu:2008). Thus, developers saw a gigantic gap in the market of online applications and software sales. People sell different applications and software to different people in different countries throughout the world even though they aren’t physically present in the countries that the sales are made. E-commerce is to use the internet to do business in a better and faster way. 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