Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Control of the Supply Chain Turns Critical free essay sample

Executive Summary Our objective for the project was to find out about supply chains, and how companies implement them to create an environment suitable for innovation and therefore satisfy the customers’ needs. We researched books, databases and journals to get a more complete idea of what a supply chain is, who uses them, and how they are being used. Based on the Case Study of Ahmed and Shepherd’s book, along with the information we researched we reached a conclusion listed below. Our research was somehow limited by the vast amount of different companies across the world. Supply chains vary from industry to industry. We could, nonetheless, build a general idea of how a supply chain must be composed in order to offer an extended product to consumers. Our findings dictate that every company that want to offer a complete, extended product, must offer an integrated supply chain that has a high level of communication, that is coordinated in all of its parts, and that at the same time reduces the final cost of the product. We will write a custom essay sample on Control of the Supply Chain Turns Critical or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Table of Contents In order to improve innovation, companies are making changes across the entire supply chain continuum. Some of these including: Adapting:Through allocating the suitable technology, people and global models companies will be able to operate their supply chain with a global view of demand. Collaborating:The time between sales and production/replenishment can be improved if companies deciede to collaborate with their trading partners instead of just those internally Integrating:Creative solutions can be found if functions are broken down and integrated together. This transformation can cut across different departments and areas of key focus within a company (Inbound logistics, 2011) As innovation is often expensive it is up to the supply chain manager to seek the appropriate raw materials and other resources at a cost that will ensure the new innovative product is profitable (Harvard Business School, 2005) With customer desires continuously changing, the speed of innovation throughout the supply chain is crucial. These managers need to be able to facilitative and guide demand driven innovation so that the various skills and components from within the company and it’s suppliers are used to develop the most complex products. (ii) Explain in what way the supply chain process is connected to the innovation process Both the supply chain process and the innovation process should be linked in a way that is strategically planned so that the customer’s needs are satisfied well and truly. The supply chain process is that of moving goods from the customer order through the raw materials stage, supply, production, and distribution of products to the customer (RCG University, 1999). It has the goal of meeting the final requirements of the customer. The nature of creativity in the innovation process is sought out in five stages. These being: 1. Preparation-The study and experience of individuals. Beginners are also necessary to have as part of the group as they ask good questions and bring a fresh perspective

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