Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Bloodless Revolution Free Essays

â€Å"THE BLOODLESS REVOLUTION†. Talking about the first coverage, Economic Crisis’ causes and results are one of the main root cause of ‘Martial Law’ back then. Economy of many developing countries, including the Philippines, has reached its instability in its peak. We will write a custom essay sample on Bloodless Revolution or any similar topic only for you Order Now When Ninoy Aquino was assassinated, many have now the courage to protest and do demonstrations against Marcos Regime whether or not in Manila which caused investors to back out since they are afraid of economical instability that had been continuously brought by these protests. Since there is already economic crisis that time, many are fired from their jobs thus, leaving the country to widespread unemployment and these unemployed Filipinos joined the rallies and marches leading to more popular grievances and discontent. Human rights violation were rampant and landlordism and poverty grew. Due to his criticisms not only in the country but from other nations as well, Marcos declared ‘Snap Elections’ with Cory Aquino as his main rival. He won evetually because of massive fraudility. This has enraged Filipinos with their leader C. Aquino and boycott Marcos’ allies’ companies. This has led to greater protests and marches and apparently, bloodless revolution took place with the help of Jaime Cardinal Sin, Agapito Aquino, Juan Ponce Enrile, Fidel Ramos, religious organizations, and most importantly, the Filipino people. Marcos has left the country with his family and went to Hawaii through the help of US Air Force. Cory Aquino has been declared by the mass as the President of the Philippines with her Vice President Laurel and implemented the 1987 Constitution which replaced the merciless ‘Martial Law’ of Marcos People Power Movement refers to the popular uprising that ousted Philippine president Ferdinand E. Marcos in February 1986. Also known as the EDSA Revolution, the uprising was in reaction to the massive fraud and violence unleashed by the government to ensure that Marcos and vicepresidential candidate Arturo Tolentino would win the so-called snap  elections  that Marcos had called earlier that month. The opposition ticket was headed by Corazon Aquino, wife of former Senator Benigno â€Å"Ninoy† Aquino, who was assassinated in 1983 by  elements  of the Philippine  military  as he debarked his plane at the  Manila  International Airport  (since renamed Ninoy Aquino  International  Airport). Many believed that Aquino and her running mate,  Salvador  Laurel, would have won had the  electionsbeen fair and honest. Massive demonstrations were held in front of Malacanang (the  presidential  palace) and two  military  camps located at Epifanio de los Santos Avenue (EDSA). The peaceful uprising became a model for other countries wishing to change their government without resort to a  military  coup or a bloody revolution. Having the evaluation, the question that the reporter wanted to ask is that—having now the clearer scenario and better knowledge about the EDSA Revolution I, which is more preferable: DICTATORSHIP or DEMOCRACY? As for my perspective, it would be STILL DEMOCRACY. People will tend to say that dictatorship is better since many Filipinos now are not abiding the law and usage of force in its implementation would be the best solution. But then, I think the main and very problem of out country is the misunderstanding and mis-usage of the word FREEDOM in which DEMOCRACY is quoted with. True Freedom and Democracy would always come with rights and responsibilities as citizens of our country. It is all about change—not for the worse but for the betterment. How to cite Bloodless Revolution, Papers

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