Friday, September 20, 2019

The Secret That Exploded :: essays research papers fc

The Secret that Exploded by Howard Morland   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"The Secret that Exploded† written by Howard Morland is a non-fiction book based on his findings on the H-bomb. Howard dedicated his life to finding out the secret of the H-bomb and releasing his findings to the public who have been in the dark since the beginnings of the Manhattan Project. The book goes through everything he went through from when he became an airforce pilot to him becoming involved in radical groups to him fighting the government in court for freedom of press. His book goes through everything he had to do to get the information he needed to find out the secret of the H-bomb. Howard felt that if â€Å"He would attack secrecy; if secrecy could be dismantled, then the opponents of nuclear weaponry would have a fighting chance. (pg.50)† He wanted to break down the secrecy of the government and give the radical groups that were against the bomb a chance to get there views heard around the U.S. and possibly bring a stop to the nuclear arms race. Howard thought that the â€Å"secret of the H-bomb could be the centerpiece of the secrecy structure and that if he could crack it he could bring down the whole secrecy structure.(pg.50)† This is what he wanted and he wanted all of the secrets that the government has been keeping from the public to be revealed so that the public could know what was going on and not be in the dark.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Howard knowing that finding the secret would be near impossible moved on in his journey and visited every major nuclear manufacturing sight in the U.S. that he knew about. On his journey he encountered problems with security. The government has bottled up the secret by giving security clearances to anyone who knew the secret. These people could not tell anyone anything that was deemed classified and they could get in very big trouble if they did. Howard had to get by this by asking questions that would bring back answers that wasn’t classified material but the information that he needed. Howard got so good at asking questions that he eventually put together all the information he found out from all of his sources and put together his version of the H-bomb. This version was so near accurate that the government wanted to classify it so that Howard could not publish it in the The Progressive magazine. Howard and The Progressive took the government to the Supreme court where the government dropped their case because the info that they wanted to contain had already leaked out to the public. Howard and The Progressive got what they wanted and earned

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