Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Inconsistent Terminology for Emerging Technologies :: Exploratory Essays Research Papers

Inconsistent Terminology for Emerging Technologies Emerging technologies affect not only the computing world but other worlds as well. In the past ten years the English language has expanded to include new terms such as blog and instant messaging. Unfortunately, not all new words are reviewed and approved by a central source and often common terminology fragments into different styles and usage. Perhaps the word web site best typifies this behavior. Although a web site is hardly new in terms of technology, publications have been rife with inconsistent usage. However, of the various permutations, the etymology of web site is the most practical. Most traditional sources such as the American Psychological Association Style Guide seem to skirt the issue altogether with a list that includes Web and e-mail, but not site. Or, when electronic sources are cited, they are listed as being found â€Å"on-line† (APA). While traditional style guides have often outlined best practices for grammar and terminology, only a few published style guides are dedicated to the forum of the World Wide Web. One of the oldest web-dedicated style guides, the Yale Style Guide, makes no direct reference to the usage of the term web site, but consistently refers to it as Web site. Additionally, Gerry McGovern’s Web Content Style Guide adheres to the one-word usage of website. However, the same book curiously advises two different usages of the word web. The use of a capitalized Web is recommended when the word is used on its own to refer to the World Wide Web (example; The Web has grown immensely in popularity.). The second use is a lowercase web, when the word is used as an adjective, such as web users (McGovern 2002). A brief look at online web dictionaries and terminology guides may indicate that Web site is the most popular term. Webopaedia uses the Web site as an entry, as well as NetLingo. But when turning to the experts of the Web, such as Jakob Nielsen, one will discover that Nielsen voices stong opinions about web usability standards but goes against the grain in his use of the term website. In 1997, Wired magazine launched a short-lived companion site to its published handbook WiredStyle with the following explanation for its use of Web site: "Web" is a proper noun, and so deserves its initial cap. When using "Web" as a modifier, we keep the cap and strongly resist the urge to close "Web" up with other nouns.

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