Monday, September 30, 2019

Human rights legislation Essay

UK Citizens now have certain basic human rights which government and public authorities are legally obliged to respect. These became law as part of the Human Rights Act 1998. This Act 1998 gives legal effect in the UK to 16 of the fundamental rights and freedoms contained in the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). These rights not only affect matters of life and death like freedom from torture and killing but also affect your rights in everyday life: what you can say and do, your beliefs, your right to a fair trial and many other similar basic entitlements. The rights are not absolute – governments have the power to limit or control them in times of severe need or emergency. There are also responsibilities to respect the rights of others – and not exercise yours in a way which is likely to stop them from being able to exercise theirs. (Human Rights Act, 1998)The evidence from the Estia seminar, suggests that some of the human rights legislation has not yet had m uch effect on the lives of people with a learning disability, especially in those whose learning disability is more severe (Annette, 2004). This reflection will focus on the issues surrounding personal relationships, three articles of The Human Rights Act (1998) relate to this: Article 3 – no one shall be subjected to torture or to inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment; Article 8 – Everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life, his home and his correspondence; and Article 12 – Men and women of marriageable age have the right to marry and to found a family, according to the national laws governing the exercise of this right. (Human Rights Act, 1998)FeelingsAll human beings are sexual beings, sexuality is not an optional extra, and everyone has sexual needs, feelings and desires. People are entitled to express their sexuality in different ways, showing respect for self and others. People with a learning disability should be supported to make informed choices and be allowed the opportunities to exercise their rights and responsibilities in regards to sexual health and personal relationships, which are an integral part of their lives. It is clear through the rest of this reflection that these basic human rights are not being met, therefore it is hoped that the failure to provide opportunities for people with a learning disability will be the subject of legal challenge under the Human Rights Act. Government policy demands that services work towards inclusion for people with a learning disability, meaning that they should have positive, reciprocal  relationships, be part of the community and enjoy ordinary life. I also believe that enabling people with a learning disability to enjoy a full range of relationships is one of the keys to empowerment. I understand the need to protect people who may be vulnerable, but I think there is a fine line between protection an d avoidance, and at the moment the majority of staff are avoiding the issues surrounding sexualty. EvaluationIt is still relatively unusual for people to accept that people with a learning disability have ordinary sexual feelings and desires, let alone should be allowed to act on them. They are seldom given encouragement, opportunity or the necessary privacy to develop intimate sexual relationships. (Annette, 2004)When discussing issues such as parenting, sex, and also homosexuality, all of which may be regarded as positive, emphasis is often placed on possible negative implications. For example, in relation to parenting, despite evidence that people with a learning disability can develop parenting skills, and many have been excellent parents, it is frequently seen as something that should be avoided, and if pregnancy does occur, it is likely to result in the child being removed. (Paul, 2007) Likewise, in relation to homosexuality, these relationships are even less well tolerated and are generally perceived not only as ‘inappropriate’ behaviour, but also often as ‘abusive’ sexual behaviour and as challenging behaviour (Annette, 2004). The focus also seems to be on concern about vulnerability of men with a learning disability engaging in same sex relationships to such things of abuse and HIV (Paul, 2007). In British society today, homosexual relationships are widely accepted, but this open-mindness has yet to be extended to people with a learning disability. Section 13 of the Criminal Law regulates homosexual acts between me, not women, in Scotland. Under the provision of Section 13, homosexual acts are legal if: the parties consent, the parties are over 18 and the act does not take place in a public place. Also, in residential care, women’s sexuality sometimes appears to be a matter of simply recognising menstruation, which is monitored and counted, (invading the privacy of the women), preventing pregnancy by putting women on the contraceptive pill. In such circumstances, it is hard to see that the  human rights of these women, to private lives, to marry and to found familes are being respected. A study carried out by the Judith Trust studied 11 women who lived in a longstay hospital and followed them through the ‘community care’ act, however only 3 made it to independent community. Out of these 3, one of the ladies did have an ongoing sexual relationship with her boyfriend, yet she was not invited to her case conference determining her future and included discussions about her relationship. She was lucky that as decision was made on pragmatic grounds that she should be enabled to continue to see and relate to her boyfriend. This is a unique case, intimate relationships are rarely part of a decision to move someone to another residence or of decisions about how they are best be cared for, whereas for most of us such intimate and family relationships are key to these decisions. (Annette, 2004) Ungendered life is very atypical, living with people of the opposite sex who are neither family, friends or lovers is a very unusual arrangement. People with a learning disability have the same rights in law as anyone else to marry or live together providing the person is over 16years and has a general understanding of what it means to get married, he or she has the legal capacity to consent to marriage. No one else’s consent is ever required. The district registrar can refuse to authorise a marriage taking place if he or she believes one of the parties does not have a mental capacity to consent, but the level of learning disability has to very high before the District Registrar will do so. AnalysisLearning about sexuality is a life long and often haphazard process, learning from parents, school, television and magazines, most of which are inaccessible to people who have a learning disability. It is often the case that people with a learning disability only get a very negative form of sex education, for example ‘Don’t do that, it’s not nice’, and ‘Stop touching yourself down there, that’s bad’. (Making Choices, Keeping Safe, 2004) Not giving them any positive format or sensible sex education does not mean that they won’t pick up enticing ideas, but they need more sex education than most young people in order to protect them from people who might exploit them. Ignorance is definitely not bliss, not knowing how to behave or the  consequence of sexual activity, not knowing the difference between public and private behaviour, or teaching them that it is ok to say ‘no’, leaves people with a learning disability very vulnerable to getting into trouble, to abuse or exploitation. Proper sex education is therefore a particular important factor in not only helping them to have appropriate relationships but in helping them to protect themselves from abuse. Consent is crucial in deciding whether a particular sexual relationship or act is abusive. There are some individuals with a learning disability who would not be considered as being able to give consent and lack capacity. The Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000 is now the most significant piece of legislation in the protection of vulnerable adults. It is concerned with adults who are defined as being incapable of acting, making decisions, communicating decisions, understanding decisions, by reason of mental disorder or physical illness’ (Adults with Incapacity Act, 2000). In considering consent, Kennedy and Niederbuhl (2001) asked 305 American psychologists about the most important issues to assess when considering consent to a sexual relationship. They came up with three main issues: 1. basic sexual knowledge, 2. knowledge of the consequences of sexual behaviour and 3. abilities in self-protection. (Gates, 2007) These 3 issues could be used as a guide as to develop inf ormation around and also to guide those involved in decisions around consent. ConclusionAll people with a learning disability have the right to enjoy a full range of relationships and to choose to express their sexuality at a variety of levels. They also have the right to be protected from any situation where they are vulnerable to exploitation and at risk of physical, sexual or emotional abuse. However, The sexuality of people with a learning disability raises questions and sometimes dilemmas, on the one hand we wish to secure freedom and choice for them; but at the same time we have a duty to protect them from exploitation or abuse. However, the principle of ‘normalisation’ emphasises the intergration of people with learning disabilities in society. This increases their presence in the community, which in turn gives them the chance to exercise their right to make choices regarding their sexuality. (Savarimuthio & Bunnel, 2003) I therefore think  that information is key to what is required for anyone to participate meaningfully as an adult in any intimate role. However, most carers would rather ignore the issue of sexuality until such a time as a problem arose. Therefore staff need to better informed and training given to the service providers. Action Plan All people with a learning disability should be given appropriate information in the most accessible format related to the understanding of the individual. It should be available in a range of formats including written material, audio, pictures, and symbols etc. References Annette, L. 2004. Human Rights and the failure of policy to deliver: Women with learning disabilities and mental health needs. Tizard Learning disability ReviewGates, B. (ed) 2007. Learning Disabilities Toward Inclusion. (5th Ed) Elseevier, Edinburgh. Human Rights Act 1998 (Retrieved 25th November 2007) choices, keeping safe. 2004Paul, W. 2007. ‘I count myself as normal, well, not normal, but normal enough’. Men with a learning disability tell their stories about Sexualty and Sexual Identity. Tizard Learning Disabilty ReviewSavarimuthio, D,. & Bunnell, T. (2003). Sexuality and Learning Disabilities. Nursing Standard. 17, 39, 33-35.

Lg Institutional Sales

In a bid to expand the market and boost sales, LG Electronics Ltd. identified institutional sales as a focus area in the calendar year 1999. It plans to triple the target turnover to Rs. 150 crores from institutional sales. LG has made its institutional sales strategy by identifying and proactively targeting five different segments to push the LG range: brand promotions; the welfare segment (factory workers and office staff); government sector; direct users (hospitals, hotels); and the canteen stores departments (CSD) of the armed forces. A distinct strategy has been tailored for each of the five segments.In brand promotions for example, the perceived value of the products given as gifts is important, whereas for the welfare segment aspirational value, convenience and easy financing are prime factors. Meanwhile, hotels represent a price sensitive segment requiring specially customized products. Welfare: In this segment, LG is targeting a consumer base – the aspirational consum er, mostly factory staff – that most companies ignore, but which has considerable clout in terms of generating volumes. This segment is being targeted on the convenience and easy finance platform. LG has just tied up with Birla Global Finance Ltd. part of the Aditya Birla Group, for the purpose. Under the tie-up, LG will unit-wise cover all the Birla companies. This amounts to over two lakh employees. This is a lucrative segment, claims LG, because of the high hit-rate; out of a potential base of 1,000 factory workers, there is an assured sale of at least 10 to 20 percent. Hotel Segment: In this segment, LG is targeting the five-star and middle-level hotels (50 – 110 rooms) by offering customized products. For example, LG offers a special ‘hotel-mode TV' model with an auto volume leveler, which ensures that other guests are not disturbed.Another attraction for hotels is the cricket game TV model that would also prove to be popular and an interactive option with I nternet, video/audio or room service menu facilities. LG claims to have sent out mailers to 1,200 hotels – and bagged at least 100 orders, besides the ‘Palace on Wheels' luxury train, for providing TV sets in its 52 cabins. Now, LG is reading a range of interactive televisions for this segment, offering remote-controlled features like: the hotel menu, local facilities, billing-room service, video on demand, internet, multilingual options.Canteens and the Government Sector: â€Å"We are perhaps the only company offering our entire range of products in CSD canteens,† feels the product manager, of LG. In the government sector, which operates through tenders, significant orders so far included an order for 200 TVs for Himachal Tourism bungalows in the State and over 2,000 TVs for primary schools in rural areas in Maharashtra. The company has a five-member Institutional Sales Division, with each devoted exclusively to one segment.It has 50 institutional sales dealers and a ring of sales representatives when interact with the dealers and conduct demonstrations when needed. Its infrastructure consists of 20 mobile vans with glass windows to display the product range. These vans cover at least 500 km every month in both rural and urban markets. Questions: (a) Do you think such a field sales force is adequate to harness the market potential in the Institutional market? (b) Would you recommend focusing on one or two segments out of the given five? Justify your answer.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Allelopathy Lab Essay

INTRODUCTION The purpose of this lab was to observe the effects of chemical warfare among plants. Plant seeds compete with other plants and seeds, for sunlight, and nutrients in order to germinate. In order to win dominance over other seeds, and reduce competition, plants produce and release a chemical in order to prevent other seeds from germination. This type of chemical warfare is referred to as allelopathy. Allelopathy exists in many parts of the plants such as leaves, roots, stems, or fruits, but not limited to just the plants. These toxic chemicals can also be found in the surrounding soil, to prevent other plants or seeds from absorbing proper nutrients to stimulate growth. Groups will test for the presence of allelopathic chemicals in plant shoots from the chaparral community. If the hollyhock exhibits allelopathy, then an extract will inhibit the germination, and or growth of the radish seeds. MATERIALS & METHODS The group prepared for this experiment in the lab of Professor Sadler at SBVC on the second floor of the HLS building. First, the groups set up for this lab by gathering leaves that Professor Sadler had already bagged and identified. Each sample was cleaned and striped of everything most importantly the stem, so that all was left was the leaf its self. Then each group weighed out Ten (10) grams of leaves, and then placed into a blender with One hundred (100) milliliters or water. The group then blended the leaves and water until the mixture was a very thin fluid. Three (3) folded cheesecloth’s were placed into a funnel in order to remove any solids from the fluid itself, then poured into a small beaker, to be used later on in the experiment. Then each group prepared two (2) Petri dishes, by placing three (3) filtered papers in the bottom of each Petri dish. After the filtered paper was placed into the bottom of each dish, twenty (20) radish seeds (Raphanus sativus) were then placed on top, and evenly distributed throughout both Petri dishes, as to make sure none of them were touching. A final filtered paper was placed on top of the seeds and ten (10) milliliters  were of distilled water was poured over the seeds of one Petri dish, the lid was then placed on the Petri dish and labeled â€Å"control†. In the other Petri dish, the ten (10) milliliters of the filtered and blended mixture was added to the second Petri dish to make sure the filter papers were evenly saturated. The second lid was then placed over the Petri dish and labeled â€Å" hollycock†. The Petri dishes will then sit for a week for germination and then evaluated. RESUTLS After one week of germination, the group removed the lids of each Petri dish, and removed each seed that had germinated and measured the length of the entire stem and leaves. Please notice the attached page for the data of each seed. In the Petri dish labeled â€Å"hollycock†, Experiment Group A. the group tested a total number of twenty (20) radish seeds (Raphanus sativus), out of the twenty (20) seeds, there was only a twenty-five (25) percent of germination, and only five (5) seeds had actually germinated. The length of each seed varied in lengths from the shortest, three (3) millimeters to the longest fourteen (14) millimeters. Each length of all twenty (20) seedlings were added up and divided by twenty (20) and the group averaged 2.7 millimeters in length of the germinated seedlings. In the second Petri dish labeled â€Å"control†, Experiment Group B, out of the twenty (20) radish seeds tested with just distilled water, a percentage of eighty-five (85) percent of successful germination, and the actual number was seventeen (17) actually germinated. The length of these seeds varied in sized from the shortest of seven (7) millimeters to the longest of ninety-two (92) millimeters. Each length of all germinated seeds from the controlled group were added up and then divided by twenty (20) and the average length of the germinated seedlings is 19.35 millimeters. DISSCUSSION As a result of this lab it has been prove that the hypothesis is in fact correct. In reference to the group’s data, the radish seeds exhibited allelopathy, but a majority of them not germinating. Allelopathy derives from two separate words, allelon which means â€Å"each other† and pathos means â€Å"to suffer.† It is a type of chemical warfare that is used between plants and against other plants. Oddly enough, experiment group B, the controlled group seeds, that received the distilled water, germinated more then the  experiment group A, the ones that received the blend of water and hollycock leaves. The only problem that the group faced was that it was difficult to completely blend the leaves of the hollycock plant to make it liquefiable enough to get just enough out to pour over the radish seeds. Other variables that could have possibly affected germination of the seeds, was but are not limited to, the amount of sunlight that was given to the seeds, and or if the liquid was evenly distributed. Although, the group measured out the exact amount of liquid needed for the seedlings, I can only wonder if some of the proteins or nourishments were left in the solid blending in the cheesecloths? In the end the hypothesis was supported by the groups data as the hollycock did exhibit signs of allelopathy.

Life of William Shakespeare Paper Essay

Ever since the death of Shakespeare, his life was only well known about his plays and poems. He had written many famous Plays such as: Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth and etc and his famous poems were the Sonnets. Many decades have passed since his death and his plays and poems are still famous and read out loud in schools. Sadly, only a few people knew about Shakespeare’s life and how he became a Bard. â€Å"Details about William Shakespeare’s life are sketchy, mostly mere surmise based upon court or other clerical records.  Ã¢â‚¬  (enotes. com). Shakespeare’s early life was not very well known to the public at this time but according â€Å"Enotes†, he was born in Stratford upon Avon, England in 1564. According to the website william-shakespeare. org. uk. There were records of William Shakespeare being born in the â€Å"Holy Trinity parish church, in Stratford,† on April 26, 1564. His dad John Shakespeare, was a â€Å"yeoman—a glover and commodities merchant. â€Å"(enotes. com). His mother Mary, was a Land owner or as they called it back then, a landed gentry. Shakespeare was the 3rd child of the family but he was one of the childs that lived for a long time. He had 4 sisters and 4 brothers. According to William went to a grammar school until the age of fourteen but he did not continue his education at a university. In 1582, at the age of eighteen he married Anne Hathaway and had their first child, Susanna six months after their marriage in 1583. After two years, they had twins named Judith and Hamnet. It is estimated that Shakespeare arrived in London around 1588 and began to establish himself as an actor and playwright. † (bardweb. net ). According to â€Å"bardweb. net† the exact date of Shakespeare going to London is unknown but estimated to 1588. They thought Shakespeare moved to London because he was â€Å"pursued by the law for poaching deer on private property. † ( enotes. com ). The same year he was called an â€Å"upstart crow†, the theater closed in London because of the Black Death plague. â€Å"By 1594 Shakespeare had joined a theater troupe known as the Lord Chamberlain’s Men. † During this time period, Shakespeare had expressed many of his plays but sadly, it was not to last†¦ Soon, the law had banned plays throughout the reach of London. According to â€Å"william-shakespeare. org. uk â€Å", Shakespeare was very successful in 1596 due to his performance while Queen Elizabeth the first was present. He also got permission to hang his coat of arms and he got very rich because of his career. In 1597 they started to make the Globe Theatre and finished making it in 1598 (which Shakespeare got 10% of the profit from the Globe Theatre). One day, while the Globe Theater was performing the play King Henry VIII, on June 29, 1613, there was a fire due to the cannon that was shot, since the building was made of wood, the fire spread quickly. That day, the globe theater was destroyed. Three years before the fire, Shakespeare retired and went back to Stratford upon Avon, England. Though he lived a wealthy life, according the both websites, the cause of his death was unknown. He died on April 23, 1616 at the age of fifty-two. Just four weeks before his death, on March 25, 1616, he wrote his will. In his will he gave â€Å"his properties to his daughter Susanna† (bardweb. net ). According to that website Shakespeare â€Å"he left ? 300† to his daughter Judith (who was still living at the time) and his wife he left her â€Å"his second best bed†. â€Å"William Shakespeare was buried on April 25th 1616 in Holy Trinity Church, Stratford-upon-Avon. † (william-shakespeare. org. uk ). After William Shakespeare died, he was buried 3 days after his death and according to that website his tomb was â€Å"beneath the floors of the church in the chancel†. In the end, there was almost no record of Shakespeare’s life but some records. After the death of Shakespeare people found out that he wrote those plays that were performed in the Globe Theatre. They were all written in Shakespeare’s First Folio. Work Citation N. P, Enotes. com, eNotes Inc. 2011, 16 Nov. 2011 L. K. , Alchin, William Shakespeare info. November 21 2005. Web. 16 Nov. 2011. Pressley, J. M. Bard web the Shakespeare Resource Center 1997-2011 16 November 2011.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

National Culture of Malaysia Essay

Professor Geert Hofstede conducted one of the most comprehensive studies of how values in workplace are influenced by culture. He defines these dimensions as follows: Power Distance: ‘the extent to which the less powerful members of organizations and institutions (like the family) expect and accept that power is distributed unequally’. Uncertainty Avoidance: ‘intolerance for uncertainty and ambiguity’. Individualism versus Collectivism: ‘the extent to which individuals are integrated into groups’. Masculinity versus Femininity: ‘assertiveness and competitiveness versus modesty and caring’. Figure 1 Figure 1 shows the statistic of national culture in Malaysia through the lens of the 5-D Models. From the graph, we can get a deep overview of Malaysia culture relative to other world culture. 1) Power Distance: Malaysia has a high power distance because of the hierarchy system among people. The hierarchy is referred to the rank (Tan Sri, Datuk, Puan Sri), the level of knowledge (Professor, Doctor) or the seniority (grandpa, grandma, brother, sister). The value of the high power distance is respect and humble. It is ethically when employee give respect to their manager. 2) Individualism: Malaysia is categorized as collectivism because Malaysia emphasizes the good of the group, community, or society over and above individual gain. Three difference races (Chinese, Indian and Malay) are working together to develop the economy of Malaysia and increasing the quality of life. The value of collectivism is support and unity to gain equal advantages. It is non-ethical if these difference races do not respect each other and have racial bias. 3) Masculinity: Masculine cultures are described as being dominated by money and power relationships and often are results-oriented while feminine cultures are more connected with interpersonal relationship and process-oriented. From figure 1, Malaysia possesses masculinity and femininity culture. The masculinity culture in organization is characterized as command structure and expects employees to obey the instructions without questions. Meanwhile, femininity culture more focused on sharing emotions, democratic, cooperation and communication. 4) Uncertainty avoidance: Uncertainty avoidance is about the way approached by society to avoid unknown situation in the future. Malaysia is categorize as low uncertainty avoidance because individuals are less concerned by the ambiguity and uncertainty and have a greater tolerance for a variety of option. Such society are less ruleoriented, take more risks and more ready to accept change. In multinational corporation environment, the need for the product development processes and organizational routines are increases to generate competitive advantage in multiple nations. Low uncertainty avoidance can create the value of critical thinking among employee to solve the problem and cultivate the sense of responsibility for the decision making. It is an ethical situation for being prepared for the uncertainty and generate creative and innovative person in the country. Malaysia nowadays can be categorized as masculinity culture. People are live in order to work. Money and power is the sign of success driven by the competition and achievement. The value of the masculinity is the competiveness between workers to become the best and gain profit. It is ethical when we are trying our best to obtain great income or improve our quality of life.

Ancient Egyptian Religion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Ancient Egyptian Religion - Essay Example During ancient history of Egypt, most religious practices centered on the pharaoh, who used to be the king of Egypt. This pharaoh was believed by ordinary Egyptians to be descended from the gods, as Egyptians, during this old time in history, believed in many deities, not just one God. In that sense, the pharaoh acted as the intermediary person between people and the gods. Another important aspect of the ancient Egyptian religion was the sincere belief in the afterlife and this belief shaped their funerary practices. As such, ancient Egyptians made great efforts to ensure the survival of their bodies and souls after death, providing tombs, grave goods, and offerings to preserve the bodies and spirits of the deceased. After believing in a number of deities for long periods of time, a new religious trend started to emerge, depending on monotheism and belief in one God. The birth of Moses represented the climax of this religious trend in old Egypt. Moses lived during the 13th or the 14t h century B.C. The story of the name as mentioned in the second chapter of the Exodus answers the question. The story says that the Egyptian princess who saved the child from the Nile gave him his name: â€Å"because I picked him up from the water†, so he will be called Moshe. But it is obvious that this is not the appropriate explanation (Freud, "Translation and study by Dr. Abdel Moniem El Hefny". 1991, 26) In another version of the story, an author says in Jadishness Lexicon magazine the interpretation of the name in the Torah is â€Å"the one who was picked up from the water† (the name of Moshe only means â€Å"the one who was picked up†). This opinion may be supported by two other arguments; the first one is that it is absurd to say that an Egyptian princess knows the Hebrew language, and the second one is that it is most probable that the water from which the child was picked up is not the Nile ("A History of Christianity in Egypt"). Many people suggested a long time ago that Moses’ name is derived from the Egyptian language because of a newly published book written by the chronicler Peristide, â€Å"Egypt’s history†: â€Å"It is important to notice that the name of Moses is an Egyptian name. It is not other than the word mose that means â€Å"a child†, which is an abbreviation of the compound name, for example â€Å"Amon Mose† that means â€Å"the child Amon† or â€Å"Betah Mose† that means â€Å"the child Betah†. But this divine name has been gradually omitted by use, and was limited to the boy’s name of Moses. However, when Peristide mentioned unrelated names, he reviewed the list of the names of the Egyptian kings which are similar in terms of the religious connotations, for example â€Å"Ah-Moses† (Ahmos), â€Å"Tut-Moses† (Tuhutmos) and â€Å"Ra-Moses† (Ramses). (Soliman, 1988, 25) Many authors who discovered that the name Moses is an Egyptian name, to conclude that the one who bears an Egyptian name must be Egyptian himself, or at least to say that this is possible (Freud, "Translation and study by Dr. Abdel Moniem El Hefny", 1991, 26). The first family where he was born is usually a special family according to legends. But it is here a very modest Jewish family. And the second family where the child was raised is, as usual, a modest one. But here, it is the Egyptian royal house as the princess has raised him by her side. This discrepancy from the traditional type of legends seemed really odd to many researchers, to the extent that Eduardo Myer and others said that the original form of the legend was different; as Pharaoh had a dream warning him of his grandson who will be dangerous to him and to his kingdom. Therefore, this resulted into delivering the child to the Nile waters

Friday, September 27, 2019

A look into the Accounts of Love as depicted in The Symposium by Plato Essay

A look into the Accounts of Love as depicted in The Symposium by Plato - Essay Example According to Aristophanes the unification between a man and a woman results in an offspring whereas the unification between a man and man results in pure satisfaction with no other strings attached (Symposium, 191c-d) Thus, according to Aristophanes it is natural for a human being to pursue pure love where love actually "is the name for our pursuit of wholeness, for our desire to be complete" (Symposium192e-193a). Aristophanes' idea of human civilization is based on this love which is in its complete sense and this idea of love is the constant source of inspiration that makes the greatest of arts and formulates history (Symposium193c). Aristophanes also makes comments that devise the idea that the lovers with no strings attach are not able to evoke more desire as there is no structure of desire and the lovers would not be able to state anything substantial out of this union because they were unable to state what they did desire. According to Aristophanes this is the basic shortfall of human love but mentions that the desire to unite one's soul with its other half is what love truly is. Similarly, Alcibiades states that he is basically homosexual in nature because he's crazy about beautiful boys and it is in his nature that he pursues for their love whenever and wherever it is possible (Symposium216d). Alcibiades was a soldier by profession and what he said followed a straight path with comparatively less intellectuality involved in it though he was able to express his mind and thoughts without any philosophical doctrines involved. He was clear and unrepentant in his views. He clearly stated his views on love by expressing himself as an ardent pursuer of beautiful young boys though he did mention that whatever it is Socrates remained his lifelong love and explicitly stated that only he, Alcibiades, could be the true love of Socrates. Alcibiades explains to Socrates that as he is his only true lover, and this he can prove in a numerous way, his views to love is unscratched and pure therefore it is Alcibiades' idea of love, which corresponds with Aristophanes, which should stand true at the end. It is this reason Socrates should always support his views on love and finding a worthy lover in Alcibiades Socrates is better fit to help him reach that aim than anyone else (Symposium219c-d). But on the other hand there was Socrates. According to Socrates "love is neither beautiful nor good- as he desires good and beautiful things, it is clear that he is, in fact, lacking these things" (Symposium 200a-201c). This was Socrates' view on love in a nutshell but he began to explain love as a whole and in totality. For this he took the help f his memories where he had a chat on the same topic with the priestess Diotima. According to Socrates Diotima was the one who taught everything about love (Symposium 201d) and most of Socrates' idea of love is based on Diotima's idea on love and her idea of 'ladder of ascent'. Everything that Socrates narrates hereon in the symposium reflects the idea of Diotima on love and Socrates is presenting proof after proof to justify her views.According to Diotima, "love, in fact, is not a god, as he desires beautiful and good things, which the gods already have neither is he mortal- just as love's lack of beauty does not make him ugly" (Symposium 2 02a).

Birkman Team Strengths Reflection Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Birkman Team Strengths Reflection - Case Study Example This report is prepared with the aim of evaluating the strengths, diversity, motivation factors and effectiveness of a team from the point of view of organizational behavior through the use of the Birkman Assessment framework. Teams are essential components of any organization. The functioning of individual teams in a company adds up to form the total capability of an organization in terms of performance, efficiency and effectiveness. It is essential to capitalize on the diversity, personality and strengths of the teams within a company to ensure that the company is able to attain the maximum possible performance targets. Developing an understanding of the present situations and dynamics of the teams operating within a company can be greatly advantageous for the overall organizational setting and culture and fro developing future organization behavior strategies and solutions within a business. A team consisting of four to six members is selected and analyzed through the use of the organizational focus based on color bars and the interest based grid coordinates developed by the Birkman international Inc. This analysis encompasses an identification and evaluation of the motivations, strengths, weaknesses, diversity as well as the areas of interest and lack within the team. This helps to gauge the effectiveness and capacity of the team to perform in a value adding manner as well as add to the overall capabilities and performance levels of the organization (Gundry, Kickul and Prather, 2004, p.44). An understanding and insight into the different types of factors that directly or indirectly impact the behavior and capability of a team helps a company to promote innovation, foster creativity, improve the organizational performance levels and take suitable business and corporate decisions (Thompson, 2003, pp.96-109). The Birkman’s lifestyle grid of

Thursday, September 26, 2019

E-Health Program Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

E-Health Program - Essay Example Before the internet, if health problems were to arise in an individual, he/she was generally taken care of in the doctor's office or by home remedies. If any questions were to arise about the health of yourself or others, the expertise of a doctor or nurse was generally needed. The WebMD health website is a website that has been designed to answer the questions about anything from medications to illnesses and can easily be obtained in a matter of seconds. Also, being able to communicate with the doctors or order prescriptions online has proved to be a huge advantage. In the next few paragraphs, the advantages of WebMD services and its impact on the health care industry will be discussed. WebMD has been a huge advantage to the health care industry for many reasons, one being the use of the WebMD to research medications. WebMD that contain information on any thing from medications and their uses to finding out about diseases and their causes. Everything about a drug is listed from what illnesses the drug treats down to its structural formula. Studies show that 71.5% of people who used WebMD health care to do research felt more knowledgeable about their illness and the medications they were taking (Paasche-Orlow etal 2005). may be utilized as an extremely resourceful web page to seek illnesses. Any question that the user has regarding an illness or disease is answered. This access to information is very good for people who do not understand their illness and its side effects. For instance, when a doctor informs the patient about their illness, many patients do not understand the doctor's terminology. With, the patient is able to do further research about their illness in words and phrases they can understand. Communicating with Doctors Online The WebMD is becoming an important alternative for patients and health care providers to share information with one another. The patient is now able to email or chat with the doctor about any questions they may have, as well as the doctor being able to inform the patient of any new medications or alternative medicine that will help the healing process. Financial Ramifications The financial ramifications of implementing the planned scope of practice will be more than enough . More than the expected increased costs of training at the complex levels, the likelihood for reimbursement for a number of the new components of the scope of practice in the majority Webmed services do not reimburse for their various services . First Responders cannot attain reimbursement. To make a new level always is in need of huge investment in time as well as cost and then not be capable enough to be reimbursed for Webmed sservices is a major issue . Opportunities for the WebMD in Healthcare Clearly, one of the benefits of the WebMD is its ability to provide real-time communications with doctors without having to transport patients to and from the doctor's office. This also helps with

Middle east geography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Middle east geography - Essay Example Although Islam is the largest religion in the Middle East, the region also represents other faiths such as Christianity and Judaism. Survey reports indicate that Arabic, Persian, Turkish, Berber, and Kurdish are the major languages in the Middle East. While analyzing the region’s population growth trends, it is clear that Middle East has experienced a dramatic rise in population since 1970s. To illustrate, statistical reports (as reported by The New York Times, 2007), indicate that the region’s population increased from 127 million in 1970 to 305 million in 2005. During the period between 1976 and 1986, Iran’s population grew by 50%. According to a World Bank report, an annual population growth rate of 1.73 was reported in Middle East in 2010 whereas this rate was 1.75 in 2009 (Trading Economics, 2012). In many parts of the Middle East, average population growth rate is 3% or above; this trend indicates that population is a given state is likely to double in every 20 to 30 years (Imagery for Citizens, n.d). It is observed that high rate of population growth in the Middle East has serious impacts on the region’s social, economical, and political landscape. As a result of this issue, the Middle East governments struggle to provide necessary services to their people. This region is already suffering from water scarcity issues, and the high population growth has exacerbated the issues over water. As per the The New York Times (2007) report, rising population growth contributes to the region’s mounting needs of food imports; and in an attempt to respond to issues over water and food and search for improved living conditions, rural inhabitants heavily migrate to urban areas. This practice raises many potential challenges to urban infrastructure too. Similarly, huge population growth puts strains on the region’s economic landscape. As discussed earlier, the rising population growth has forced Middle East

Lighting the Way to the Future Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Lighting the Way to the Future - Case Study Example The model is workable for United States because according to the data, residential houses use up to 45% of energy for space heating alone (U.S. Energy Information Administration , 1). The data also shows that residential houses use 18% of energy for water heating (Boston Business, 12). Thus, if the country would use the BTP in its buildings, it would become energy-efficient. While the approach would be appropriate in the U.S, it is undesirable. Reason being, the Unites States weather is not like the one in China. Another reason is that the technology that the country uses in buildings is not similar to the one in China. Hence, to use BTP in the country would mean change in building models. The setting of Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFÉ) Standards has been successful. The government first created the law in 1975. The government set the limits for the improvement of usage of fuel for cars from 27.5mpg to 37.8 mpg (Crovitz, 7). What the law essentially means is that the government requires the combination of the usage of fuel by cars and trucks to an average of 34.1 mpg (35% rise) by 2016. The reason the setting of the standards is successful is because of the improvement that automakers continue to make. For instance, BMW, fuel use in 2008 was 22.5%. In 2013, it became 27.4%. Similarly, Nissan’s fuel use in 2008 was 22.7%. In 2013, it became 23.1% (Crovitz, 11). If compared to the tax that the government adds for every gasoline that a car owner purchases in a gas station, the CAFÉ standards are better than the tax. Reason being, with a growing economy, people have more disposable income than they had. Therefore, they will have a cushion for the tax t hat the government adds. It will end up having no effect in energy consumption and conservation efforts. Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. "Building Technologies Office | Department of Energy." Office

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Attempts to Repeal the Laws of Supply and Demand - The Market Strikes Assignment

Attempts to Repeal the Laws of Supply and Demand - The Market Strikes Back - Assignment Example Ultimately, the demand-supply coordinates are violated, hence shifting the curve principles outside the principle factors. The free market prices are fixed by the demand-supply laws; however when the law is not adhered to then this leads to what is known as cost distortion. While governments would impose price controls or create policies that would create crushing relationship between supply and demand, this would artificially distract the market mechanism. Hence, the cost dilemma would alter the relevance of the commodities and may lead to specific losses and out- of-the- market experiences. The market’s response to this would be termed in a balanced experience. The price in such instance would not fall below a specific level, known as â€Å"Price Floor’ and an attempt to repeal this would constitute to ‘product vacuum’ and would create scarcity and eventually imbalances in demand-supply

Is Multiculturalism good for Britain OR How important is the UK Essay

Is Multiculturalism good for Britain OR How important is the UK economy in shaping British society - Essay Example It has been hugely appreciated and encouraged for long, however, in today’s scenario of terrorism, especially after 2001 riots and 7 July bombings in Britain, multiculturalism is highly questioned for its reliability and its continuity as policy in future. There are many concerns but most important highlight is the segregation rather than integration of cultures due to multiculturalism. This paper studies the different perspectives about multiculturalism and its background briefly in order to determine whether it is good for Britain or not. For understanding multiculturalism in Britain it is crucial to define multiculturalism in its simple and genuine meaning as Sivanandan (2006) stated: ‘Multiculturalism simply means cultural diversity, and that diversity can either be a good thing, leading to integration, or a bad thing, leading to separatism. It is the socio-economic context and the country’s policies that determine the direction in which multiculturalism develops.’ In order to decide whether Multiculturalism is good or bad for Britain, it is crucial to understand the beginning of multicultural Britain. Despite the classic definition of Roy Jenkins’, ‘Integration is not a flattening process of assimilation but equal opportunity accompanied by cultural diversity in an atmosphere of mutual tolerance’(cited in Sivanandan 2006) racial discrimination continued to flourish in employment, social services and other areas and mutual tolerance was destabilized by self-interest of politicians who used anti-immigration agenda for getting votes. Cultural diversity is not any of the government’s decree but an expression of unified struggle and a joint fight of people from different communities, faiths, religions and locals. They were Asian, Afro-Caribbean and Whites who achieved unity in diversity which led to the government’s initiative of anti-discrimination legislation in Race Relation Acts of 65, 68 and 76.This was the t rue

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

E-Business is Better if Localized Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

E-Business is Better if Localized - Essay Example Technological advancement and the introduction of computer-driven technologies in the business landscape have influenced how business is managed today. Computer-driven technologies are making it possible to turn out small runs of increasingly customized goods aimed at niche markets. Smart companies are moving from the production of long runs of commodity products to short runs of "higher value added" products (Toffler,1990,p.52). Financial markets are not spared from the upheaval. World capital markets throughout the globe are now interlinked via satellite, networks and technology. Globalization has linked formerly independent economies. When a cataclysm occurs within a globally linked financial system, the entire global market feels the ripples of the event. Businesses are no longer isolated entities that operate autonomously. Business environments are changing rapidly because of several factors. These changes make it difficult for companies to meet the challenge while using traditional business models. Barabba (1998,pp.34-59) attributes these three phenomena as factors of change: 2. Communications technologies improve and enable businesses to acquire deep and broad external knowledge of markets, allowing them "to better sense changes in customer requirements." These technologies will also allow companies "to Innovatively serve those markets."; and 3. "Technology is redefining the nature of competition." Murphy (1998) describes "a new business model or paradigm that he calls alternatively" an "internetworked (virtual) enterprise" or "extended enterprise." These new enterprises "encompass channel partners, remote workers, suppliers, distributors, and consumers through a secure Web-based global network." (ij and Saarinen,2001). Infrastructure to support this new development is provided by the Internet. The Internet allows companies to become decentralized and operate within the digital environment. To make this model work, this type of business organization must link all business functions (supply, purchasing, manufacturing, operations, transportation, financing, accounting, personnel, sales, and customer service), "all stakeholders (business partners, suppliers, service and technology providers, distributors, retailers, outsourcing partners, remote workers, and customers, competitors, financiers, and regulators), and all organizational capabilities (information system, self-regulatin g and self-organizing organizational structure, and reinvented virtual supply chain)" (ij and Saarinen, 2001). This is to create a holistic business approach in the digital milieu. The new business paradigm created by three new classes of business model -


INTRODUCTION MULTI-STEP SYNTHESIS LAB REPORT - Essay Example Secondly it will require a description on the introduction, removal and transformation of functional groups so as to achieve expected functionality in molecule. Thirdly it requires knowledge of the centers of stereoisomerism that are created or influenced. The steps in any synthesis are more or less dependent rather than discrete. The assembly of the molecular framework is dependent on structure and functionality of starting materials that are available, selectivity both regio and sterio of reactions for combinations and loss or relocation of functional groups of intermediate compounds in assembling final products. In conclusion, a successful syntheses route must produce desired product in reasonable good yield and with efficiency in terms of time of reaction and also byproducts. Not all processes can achieve 100% yield. The protection of existing desired functional groups is importantly inclusive of blocking of undesired reactions and activating groups. Knowledge on the introduction and removal of such groups is

Monday, September 23, 2019

Roe v. Wade was incorrect legally and constitutionally (Catholic) Term Paper

Roe v. Wade was incorrect legally and constitutionally (Catholic) - Term Paper Example Wade’s constitutionality with reference to the written constitution. There is so much false information regarding the Supreme Court’s decision on this case. To say that the decision of the Supreme Court was legally and constitutionally correct means that the decision should base on principles enshrined in the constitution of the United States, on precedents in constitutional law and on rights, which the constitution purposely created to secure and protect. Abortion has been generally a debated issue for many years. Abortion gets opposition especially by the church and activists’ arguing that abortion is murder, and therefore, women should not have the right to an abortion. On this case, the Supreme Court gave Roe the right to an abortion saying that it was her constitutional right not to bear the child of a rapist. The court emphasized that they were not deciding when human life starts. They ruled that an unborn child is not a human being within the meaning of the Fourteenth Amendment and therefore, not entitled to have rights to life, liberty, and property. The court effectively argued that unborn children are not living human beings and therefore, they are not entitled to the Fourteenth amendment rights1. Historical evidence of abortion does not support a woman’s right to an abortion. Early feminists opposed abortion, as the medical procedure was not safe for women, endangering their health and life. By 1965, all the fifty states had banned abortion, with some exceptions, which were different depending on the state: to save the life of the mother, in cases of rape or incest, or if the unborn child was deformed. These words gave women the right to an abortion. Groups such as the National Abortion Rights League struggled to liberalize anti-abortion laws. The history of abortion is much familiar to the Roe v. Wade case as it made most existing state abortion laws unconstitutional. The Court did not interpret in

Explore peter hollindales claim that peter pan retains its magical Essay

Explore peter hollindales claim that peter pan retains its magical elasticity and its ongoing modernity with reference to differ - Essay Example Indeed, Peter Hollindale argues that whilst some 20th century literature is best interpreted within its historical backdrop; Peter Pan remains relevant (Hollindale, 2005). To this end, Hollindale posits that â€Å"Peter Pan retains its magical elasticity and its ongoing modernity† and this paper critically evaluates this statement with specific reference to different versions of Peter Pan since its original production. In supporting his argument, Hollindale refers to the centenary of the first performance of Peter Pan, which was marked throughout various media modes in the UK from television to radio. However Hollindale refers to the argument of drama critic Michael Billington that whilst television is often fixated with the first half of the 20th century; the continued importance accorded to Peter Pan in production is justified due to the character providing a microcosm of human nature particularly in respect of obsession with youth (Hollindale, 2005). For example, Peter Pan arguably symbolises a wealth of different universal elements tied to childhood which transcends time to sustain contemporary relevance. Moreover, it is submitted that the emotional needs of a child remains the same regardless of culture, history, and environment (Rose, 1993). This is further reflected through Barrie’s narrative as academic commentary has opined that Barrie's desire in writing Peter Pan was to write about the adventures of his own childhood mixing it with fantasy (Rose, 1993). He was highly influenced by his mother's non-acceptance of his elder brother’s death and constantly dressed in his clothing to make his mother happy. This marked him for life and contributed to one of Peter Pan's attributes of never wanting to grow up. In turn Peter Pan remains a paradoxical figure, where he symbolises eternal youth on the one hand; which are juxtaposed against the ramifications of not growing up within the backdrop of the harsh world (Rose, 1993 ). Other childhoo d experiences which seen in the narrative play The Boy Casteways, which was influential in determining other important elements (Rose, 1993). For example, it is submitted that Neverland was the Black Lake Island and Tinkerbell was a firefly. Additionally, Nana was the Saint Bernard dog, Llewellyn Davies, P, the boy Casteways. Moreover, by the time Peter Pan was published in 1904, Barrie had become a prolific play writer in London, with Peter Pan featuring prominently in Barrie’s characteristic fusion of social commentary and fantasy (Barrie 1927). Additionally, the consistent narrative of the Peter Pan story reflects the consistency of the quest for eternal youth and issues impacting childhood, which remain universally applicable (Rose, 1993). For example, the story of Peter Pan never changes and the lives of Wendy, John and Michael consists of rules, school, playing make believe, baths, rules, parents, and beds. They have their own make believe lives where they tell stories about pirates and adventures. Every child has his own Neverland, a concise place in his mind where he has his own private thoughts and fears. One night they are awakened suddenly and three children, who are bored with their lives, are invited on the adventure of their life. They leave as children, seeing their lives through the small key lock of their room; and come back seeing life through the

Sunday, September 22, 2019

McDonalds-arch delux burger Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

McDonalds-arch delux burger - Essay Example After a detailed analysis, recommendations would be stated for this case. Ineffective Advertising Campaign McDonald’s hired an advertisement agency named Fallon McElligot for the advertisements of Arch Deluxe Burger. The amount ascertained for such advertisement campaign was $100 million. The advertisement showed that the children are getting confused as they could not understand what the Arch Deluxe Burger are all about, neither are they liking its look or taste, not any toys are given away with these burgers. It is known as rebel marketing. The motive was to show that the Arch Deluxe Burger was not for the children. Another advertisement of Arch Deluxe Burger showed that the executive chef of McDonalds is explaining the professionals in the elevator why the Arch Deluxe Burger is tasty and motivates them to eat (Kord â€Å"McDonalds Arch Deluxe Burger Commercial†). This advertisement was considered awful and was not liked by the people. The message that was delivered t hrough the advertisement was also another drawback which led to the downfall. The message said that â€Å"Burger with the Grown-up Taste.† It was tagged as sophisticated product not for kids. In one of the commercial it was seen that the children motivated her parents to go to McDonalds by just saying Arch Deluxe Burger. ... It was very odd that McDonalds were parents visit especially to accompany their children as it serves foods which is thoroughly liked by the children and the parents, is offering menus with is not for the children. The product Arch Deluxe Burger was for the adults as the taste of the product was considered more sophisticated. The advertisement campaign for the Arch Deluxe showed only adults loved to consume this burger, while the children hated it, as they did not like its taste. McDonalds spent heavily to reveal that its target customers were not children. In a family restaurant if a particular menu is restricted to only adults, then problems are bound to occur. This was the case for Arch Deluxe, and the customers discarded the product completely (Lubow â€Å"Steal This Burger†). Positioning Strategy Arch Deluxe Burger was a failure because of the way the product was positioned. The whole idea behind the positioning of Arch Deluxe burger was to show that it was a product not meant for children. It was revealed that no one went to McDonald to have sophisticated food or delicacies. People visited McDonalds for fun, convenience and to have delicious burger. The customers went to McDonalds because of their friendliness, tasty burger, cleanliness, and consistency. With this type of product positioning, McDonalds lost touch with its customers, and the children who are the major customers of the company also lost interest somehow in the burgers offered by the retailer. It was said that the product, Arch Deluxe burger was the result of a comprehensive research. This research revealed that people would like to have those burgers which are specifically designed for the adults or grownups. However, when the actually product was launched and

Teaching assistant Essay Example for Free

Teaching assistant Essay A child’s main development from a new born baby to a 2 year old infant consists of a completely dependent newborn to a child who can lift their head and crawl within 6 months. Around this age a child’s growth begins to slow down to a weight gain of 450-600 grams a month, to then developing those skills to being able to walk within 2 years. A 3 year old would increase by roughly 1.8 kilograms and 5-8 centimetres, stereotypically they should continue to grow taller and slimmer however this will depend on nutrition and genetic makeup. At the age of 6 a child continues to gain, specifically between 8 – 9 years old. 2. Analyse key social, economic and enviroment factors, which may influence development. Approximately around 2.5 million children in the UK live in poverty, this ineffectively creates a social disadvantage, resulting in parents not being able to provide the necessary nutritional balanced diet because they are unemployed or on a low income. Parents and children within this category tend to live in poor housing, which can lead to overcrowding which lack the physical and personal resources needed for a child’s growth. 3. Describe children’s overall development needs. A child’s environment is a key factor that can prohibit or aid development. A positive environment with love and care will develop their socialising ability into creating relationships with others. Factors such as overcrowding, air, water and noise pollution have been proven to prohibit a child’s growth and development.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Learning-Centered Teaching Essay Example for Free

Learning-Centered Teaching Essay John J. Sparkes presents a clear discussion or argument about the learning-centered approach to teaching as a means to address the need to draw distinctions between different styles, approaches, techniques, etc. of learning. This thought is motivated by the diversity of learners and the varying influences of the learning environment and experiences to learners. Sparkes learning-centered approach to teaching looks into considering the nature or characteristics of learners and the dimensions of learning in terms of determining what learning strategies, approaches, techniques, methods, materials, and such to incorporate to pedagogical processes in order to result to the definitive meaning of learning. Sparkes also suggests that learning-centered teaching is all about the process of adopting or assuming various types of teaching methods and implementing them within learning situations and environments that suit the structure of each method. (Sparkes, 1999) Aside from the established teaching methods, learning-centered teaching, which looks into the accomplishment of the purpose of learning, should also considered various learning needs that facilitate the obtainment of knowledge, skills, and competencies constituting the learning goals and objectives. The different structures of learning subjects and materials bring about the need to consider various learning needs as the ability of a learner to obtain knowledge and skills depends upon the content of the learning material. Sparkes argued that the learning goal or objective of understanding concepts requires varied processes depending on the course or subject of learning. For instance, understanding concepts in English and literature requires comprehension of reading materials while concepts in Science and Mathematics requires the discernment of problem-solving strategies and processes through the application of the theories and models learned. (Sparkes, 1999) In addition, Sparkes discussed individual differences, in terms of how learners are able to grasp the learning content and materials according to their own pace and expectations of how the learning process and environment should be. Moreover, the capability of individuals to learn are relative to their desired learning situations – that is, the kind of learning environments, situations, and materials that they would feel comfortable with resulting to their internal and external motivation to learn and engage in the teaching-learning process. (Sparkes, 1999) Sparkes view of the learning in this particular discussion shows how he considers the dimensions of learning realistically, looking into the emotional, psychological, social, physical, and moral features of the learners are distinct and unique individuals and requiring the need to design the teaching-learning process to adapt to these human distinctiveness in order to facilitate successful learning processes. Sparkes presented a comprehensive, reliable, and valid discussion of how the landscape of pedagogy should be structured. The teaching-learning process is fueled by the mission, goal, objective, or purpose not only to transmit knowledge but also to motivate the comprehension of knowledge and information for practical application in real-life situations or experiences. The product of learning should result to desirable changes to one’s thoughts and ideas and contributions to the community for nation-building and the enrichment of the global society as a whole. Due to this highly significant purpose of the teaching-learning process, the practice of teaching and the learning experiences should ensure that it fulfills what is tasked to do in terms of transferring knowledge and skills and motivating the drive to utilize knowledge purposefully and meaningfully. Sparkes recommendations address these needs and requirements for successful teaching and learning. Sparkes covered various considerations that academic and teaching professionals should consider. I believe that the presentation of the different considerations to the teaching-learning process will contribute to the development of pedagogy. Sparkes article is a valuable resource material for understanding the complex nature of learning and the learners and the arrival to various teaching methods, strategies, approaches, techniques, and such that will fit every learning situation or environment appropriately. Learning to adjust pedagogy to the learning and situation, particularly the uniqueness of the learners, instead of vice versa, ensures that the teaching-learning process will result to what it intends to produce as outcomes for the benefit of the learners and society. Sparkes overall purpose for presenting his text was to directly structure how the teaching-learning process should be designed, eliminating the â€Å"trial-and-error† process of applying various teaching methods, observing it, determining flaws, and redesigning it to diminish the errors or mistake in the method, and such. For Sparkes, doing so will leave behind many errors that will be difficult to reverse once it leaves its mark especially to learners. Sparkes is vitally concerned about redirecting the path of the teaching-learning process so as not to maintain the learning landscape as a ground for experiment since it would be detrimental to implement imperfect teaching procedures or methods as it will affect how learners are going to grasp concepts and learning materials. Therefore, Sparke’s discussions are not only intended for the purpose of guiding the teaching-learning process, but also how educational goals and objectives and the curricula should be designed. Overall, Sparke’s discussions presents an the need to overhaul the dimensions and structure of education and pedagogy to eliminate detrimental errors and flaws.

The emasculation of males in society

The emasculation of males in society Emasculation of male has been said to gain its roots as from the World War II and the Post war period (Faludi. S 1999). Traditional gender roles have been said to the most important indicator of emasculation. This is mainly based on its application in modern society as opposed to traditional society. Changes based on jobs, empowerment, independence of women, loss of rugged individual, loss of G1 Joe ethics, Metrosexuals, Hollywood among others are important factors to consider in emasculation of the male in the modern society. According to Hillary, more effort is needed to eradicate emasculation of males in the modern society. Faludi J. in her book, The Betrayal of the American Man refers to male emasculation as the male crisis. She proceeds to state that it is the cause of the great unhappiness, violence , anger and confusion in the modern man. The thesis statement of this study is changes brought about by World War II and the post war Period. These had significant impacts on traditional gender roles more so the emasculation of the male. The problem is due to persists if men failed to recognize their gender roles meaning that it is very crucial for men to realize their gender roles before it is late. This state of affairs is not to be blamed on men or any particular person but on culture and society. These are the betrayers of men (Faludi S. 1999). Faludi identifies the reason why men are not able to pick themselves up as poor upbringing. During upbringing, they are raised to inherit a world they will exercise firm control over. Unfortunateltly, that world no longer exiats and all that remains an ornamental fa ¿Ã‚ ½ade of masculinity which Faludi refers to as  ¿Ã‚ ½male superdominance. ¿Ã‚ ½ Discussion Emasculation refers to the deprivation of man ¿Ã‚ ½s masculinity, power and his manhood hence making him impotent of both identity and expression. Through emasculation, patriarchy has lost value in men thus demoting male dominance in the family and the society. Masculinity is associated with the male. With emasculation, the patriarchy that exists in the male is breached hence enabling the female to compete with man for existence. It is true that masculinity is a female centered realty in every society in the world. According to Faludi (1999) the laid off laboring which has caused man to lose his work mates and the many paranoid husbands insecure about their wives during the second half of the twentieth century is a clear indication of the male crisis. Masculinity crisis was evidenced in America stage whereby men discovered that women were advancing. The advancement of women has been seen as a driving force to men ¿Ã‚ ½s distress. According to faludi, men have discovered that masc ulinity and femininity are similar ornaments, that they do not essentially differ from each other as it were the case in the traditional society. Mass culture from Hollywood, Madison and pop psychology highlights the avenues of America man troubles .several American men have perceived the advancement of women as the major cause of their decline (Faludi,1999). It was argued that men in stiffed did not miss male supremacy but companionship and social relevance. It was argued that emasculation of male has empowered women therefore being in a position to snatch jobs that were formerly made for men and dominated by men. Women have become independent.they have learnt to rely on themselves and not their husbands. A good example is that of divorced women who have managed to provide for their families in the absence of men or husbands. It was argued that in modern society, women do not base male utility on finding work and appreciation but it is all about looking for one ¿Ã‚ ½s place in the society. Faulty refers modern society as a Media world, that the media influences everything. For instance, the media has played a major role in the feminization process. Through the media, the public has advanced feminism massively resulting into what is referred to as gender war. This is because it sets men against women whereby the two genders struggle for existence. In America, men were said to have been betrayed, a situation which was not unique. According to Faludi, American men have faced emasculation but to some extent, this has been highlighted by the fact that many women are working into men ¿Ã‚ ½s miserable production jobs but they still earn low wages. Emasculation of the male also depends on personalities. Some men clearly emasculated while others still have very strong male complex. The Economic system in Stiff ed has highlighted aspect of emasculation of males through the manner in which it screws males in white working class jobs and their families in particular (Faludi, 1999). The collapse of masculinity has left males uncomfortable since their gender roles have been violated. Culture reveals that emasculation of men resulted from men ¿Ã‚ ½s brutalality, violence and irresponsibility, which was of their nature and the nature of their hormones. Susan Faludi holds that in the modern world cultural forces are disfiguring men ¿Ã‚ ½s lives and destroys their chances to live happy lives. Men ¿Ã‚ ½s attributes such as craft, social utility and loyalty are no longer honored as the traditional masculinity continues to decline or collapse. To Faludi, they have lost their loyalty and their economic power. The way we never was a myth presented by Stephanie Coontz which illustrates the way of life experienced in the modern world or society. According to this author, none of the past moments presents workable models based on how people conduct their lives today. According to this book, dichotomous gender roles were developed in the early nineteen century with an aim of creating balance between the male individualism and the female altruism. It has been argued that economic and political trends have led to deterioration of traditional life values hence advocating for emasculation of males. Male are said to be ignorant in that they believe that their reality is centered among females without adhering to the fact that female also have their own reality. Male reality is determined externally but not internally, because it has been noted that masculinity is measured based on one ¿Ã‚ ½s wife satisfying behavior in the society. This is to mean that the male soul does not play any part in individual reality. The selfishness implicated in the disregard of reality of females has been considered as the major cause of both spiritual and emotional differences between the two types of gender. As regards emotions, females are considered to be more emotional as compared to males. In the matter concerning spiritual backgrounds, female take the forefront as they are considered to be more religious than their male counterparts. During the World War II and the period after the war, several changes occurred in society leading to the erosion of male masculinity (Clinton Hillary, 1996). Women learnt that their freedom had been barred by the patriarchy or the dominance of males in the society. Before then, love was a good indicator of the relationship between the male and female but with the onset of emasculation of male, love was replaced by economic foundation . In the absence of emasculation, women had a close attachment to their husband. Emasculation in most cases is said to germinate into what scientist call bacterium. Male are said to be have been disadvantaged by the emasculation which is said to shed off their powers hence are they unable to practice patriarchy in the society. According to the masculine logics, this breach in behavior calls for punishment or any other consequences in the society. Males are said to find it difficult to resist the use of what is referred to as physical force and that is why aggression has been considered natural to male as in their reptilian brain. When males are offended by their wives they tend to use their masculine to punis h them but according to the recent research based on masculines, it has been noted that masculine prowess is under the counter of emasculation . According to Stephanie Coontz, women tend to exercise powers above their husbands in the society, which is contrary to the traditional gender roles. They use state authorities like the police as their watchdogs and they have the powers of summoning them at a mere dial of 911. With increased emasculation of males, both the man ¿Ã‚ ½s reality and masculinity are irrepairably damaged. They will never at any given time be the same again as it was during the times of traditional society. To cover their emasculations many males have indulged themselves into drinking sprees. Alcohol has become the bandage for their masculine wounds. Emasculation is said to be worsening as the time goes on hence developing into a full-fledged kind of disease. This showed how emasculation of males had affected men and their families whereby women had rights to decide when to quit marriage. Males are said to have no alternative reality that they could rely upon as opposed to females in every society in the w orld. Emasculation of males has made them to result into alcohol taking which has made them lose consciousness of their males reality in favor of their imaginative realities. This imagination of their reality has had negative effects on their jobs meaning it interferes with their jobs to the point that they are unable to play their roles as breadwinners in the family. Many males think or consider alcohol as the best solution for their emasculation but it has negative effects to males roles since it made them lessconcerned to what is expected of them. Imagination reality and Alcohol are said to collide if and only if the males apply them both. Emasculation is said to reach what is called malignancy hence resulting to death when males lose their jobs because they believe that there is no life worth living . The process of human evolution has been said to result to a more devastating form of emasculation since it led to feminization process through destruction of patriarchy organization and the old paradigm of expression of the masculine (Fricker, 2000). In the process of human evolvion, several roles or features were made less useful in the society. Things such as suppression, war, aggression, competition and brute muscle force are no long inexistence today. Emasculation is argued to become stronger and stronger as males escape the destruction imposed by nature. As time goes on, masculinity of males is viewed to have been transforming into a situation considered by many scholars as a vanguard of femininity in the society. According to Faludi, men have discovered that masculinity and femininity similar ornaments meaning that they do not differ from each other as it were the case in the traditional society. Mass culture from Hollywood, Madison and pop psychology highlights the avenues of the American man troubles .several America men have perceived the advancement of women as the major cause of their decline. Emasculation of males was good or bad depending on the side of human evolution one stood after the completion of feminization process. The feminization process is a complex and unstoppable process in the transformation of human beings since it is beyond people ¿Ã‚ ½s ability. This is to mean that human transformation is a process controlled by the spirit of God in every society in the world. This is a strong ascription of the natural law school of thought. In the early form of Christianity, females are said to possess values such as obedience, commitment, innocence, ability to sufferer silently and faithfulness (Fricker, 2000). According to the transformation of human being and the impact of industrial revolution,it was argued that these values are no longer useful since females have realized their roles after the call for gender equity in the society. Feminization process has brought about rugged individualism in the world where by a man has become a master of his own fate but not the fate of others; men are now responsible to make their beds, cook and clean among others roles previously known as duties of women. Rugged individualism has been implicated through several movies and television in the United States. The Hollywood culture is a good indicator of emasculation of males. Most of the American movies present a large number of female actors as opposed to males. In these movies female characters are empowered or play a dominant role in acting meaning that they are the most dangerous and armed characters as compared to the males. Hollywood culture had portrayed men as having adopted female characteristic. Men have taken up female habits such as trimming eyebrows, slim, tight abs, attractiveness among others. On the contrary, several researches have showed that females have embraced male ¿Ã‚ ½s characteristics and that is why they have ventured into roles that traditionally were made for males. On the issues of appearance conscious, it has been noted that with the onset of emasculation of males, many men have become more conscious of their appearance than it was before. Some sent a lot of times decorating their bodies through the use of cosmetics and other chemicals or substances that are said to bring about beauty in human beings. Traditionally men had a little concern on the issue of beauty but this seems to have ceased with passage of time (Lewis, 1975). Younger men are the major victims of appearance conscious since they are said to adhere to fashion trends more often than in past .Emasculation of males have made women to become independent of them meaning that women are able to provide for themselves without depending on their husband who have become ignorant of their role as providers. It has therefore been discovered that many women or females are not willing to get married to men since they can take on the role of provider with ease than it was before. This is so because females are taking on the roles or jobs of males in the modern society a fact that has contributed male emasculation. Professional fields are flooded since career equity has empowered female to compete males dominated jobs. In the past, that is before the world war two, females were not entitled to venture into certain fields such as drivers, engineers, doctors among others because nature prohibits them . The world war empowered women or females to take part in economic activities in every nation in the world. This is to mean that females have the right to remain in the task force like any other human being. Traditional gender roles are no longer considered important in the modern society that came about because of the industrial revolution. This industrial revolution is said to have enlightened females thus ceasing from being victims of male exploitation in the society. It was witnessed that emasculation of male has empowered women therefore being in a position to snatch jobs that were made for men. Women have become independent meaning that they rely on themselves but not their husbands. They are no longer silent sufferer and that is why they have become increasingly independent than in the past. The Solution According to Faludi, there is an opportunity for the two sexes to look above their adversarial relationship. That they can agree on a more suitable mechanism or paradigm of human progress that will enable both to excel. Solution to emasculation of males is that gender is socially determined meaning that people perceive their role depending on the acquired knowledge that brings about equity in human beings. Through the book gender-neutral socialization, people are free to make choices that at some points made them stuck in certain social positions in the modern society. This is to mean that those choices people made on their lives contribute largely to their imprisonment in their conventional gender roles (Hilary, 2004). According to Frazier, the solutions lays primarily in employment. He states that once a man has a job he behaves like a man and takes up both his sexual and social roles with adequacy. Further, man should not measure his masculinity base on the female perception of his ability to perform his duties (Scott M. 1997)

Friday, September 20, 2019

The History Of Combat Climate Change Politics Essay

The History Of Combat Climate Change Politics Essay Suffered from many impacts, such as global warming, climate change, and pollution, etc., the Earth becomes weaker and weaker, which will be no longer to be able to support the living and non-living things any more. Especially climate change, it continues endlessly to damage the regular circulation of nature, such as the season that become uncontrollable and unpredictable now. Because of so, there appears a controversial topic to debate on between the rich and the poor, which one should have a higher obligation to combat climate change? I think developed countries should have a higher obligation to combat climate change than developing countries based on many reasons. Primarily, industrial revolution has started since 1860s, so only those developed countries that have grabbed that opportunity first to develop themselves (Tan Khaw, n.d.). That revolution has allowed them to develop rapidly in terms of economic, technology, culture and so on, so more or less they are the one, which have created more effect for nowadays climate change. Without farther look, the United States, for instance, have developed very fast after winning the war in 1776 from its colonizer-British. In addition, with their long time of industrialization, they also have enriched the technological advancement meaning that they have the ability with their modern technology to combat the climate change more effective than developing countries, which have started to develop just only in this 21st century. In other words, this is a very short duration for developing countries to have the ability to combat, for they just grow up and are vulnerable. Becoming the industrialized countries before the other developing countries in the world, it also means that they are also rich or wealthy in terms of property or treasury. Again, the United States have the highest GDP per capita $ 14.66 trillion comparing with the other countries around the world (CIA, 2011). The United States, therefore, accompanied with the other developed countries-such as France, Great Britain, Canada and Japan, etc., are able to spend for this combatting. Notably, there are many developed countries on this planet, so they can work cooperatively with each other to deal with this problem. And there also has a platform already in the international stage-such as the Kyoto protocol conference of the Unite Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in 1997 based on United Nations, which allows them the work space to focus on environment, specifically climate change. I strongly believe that they will be able to deal with this problem, for they are not onl y wealthy in terms of property but also technological advancement. Next, they are the most powerful in the international stage. For example, just a few main counties-such as the US, France and Great Britain, are able to take action or intervene almost countries wars in the Middle East-Libya, Afghanistan and Iraq, for instance. They, therefore, will be able to take action in combatting the climate change as well, for their voice is very effective to gather the other countries to work on that task. Conversely, if the developing countries call for combatting the climate change, there will have even no one to join hand since they are developing and weak, and they have no more money and have no special modern technology. Moreover, this task of combatting climate change strongly need participation from the strong governments, and those governments are particularly developed countries including U.S., France, Great Britain and other industrialized countries. The reason why developed countries should have a higher obligation to combat the climate change was mainly the policy of those governments. Because policy in those developed countries are stronger than any other developing countries, they work more effective and could boost the motivation of combating climate change in both their states and other developing states. For example, United States had introduced Energy Independence policy in the aim of reducing the U.S. import of any source energy (OECD, 2008). This policy could take account into the reduction of CO emissions, which likely avoid the impact on climate; however, this policy could only be done by rich countries (developed countries) due to the high subsidy of contributing to this policy. On the other hand, if those developed countries do not do so, it will be a huge impact on environment as well as climate change. In fact, there is an expectation of investment in energy infrastructure about 20 trillion US dollars around the world which mostly are invested by developed countries (United Nations, 2012). Then there will have long-term impacts on greenhouse gas emissions, which likely effect on climate change, in the next 20 years. As a result, strong policies as well as developed countries have a higher significant role in motivating and combating the climate change than developing countries. Beside the above-mentioned points, such as industrial revolution, property, the influence in the international stage and the internal policy of those developed countries, which those rich nations have higher points compared to the developing nations, there is also wide gap between them. In India in 2008, for example, according to World Bank more than 456 million people were living under the poverty line, so it seems so ridiculous to push one who could not even help it own people who have not had a better living condition to contribute to fighting the climate change, which is generally considered as the root of the developed nations who have both wealth and resources to do this problem easily. It is unfair while the advantages call for the disadvantages to solve the same issues. To sum up, developed nations who have many potential factors such as the advancements of the technology resulting from the early industrial revolution, plenty of resources, their influence in the world politics, good management in those nations, and the leading in living standard of their people should pay high contributions to fight against the climate change because they are the ones who cause most of the pollution and gain many benefits from their actions. It is obvious that the causers of the problem should be the solvers of those by themselves. However, it would be much better if both developed and developing countries cooperate with each other to deal with the climate change, for there is one reason which it should be taken into account we are in the same planet, so we need to help each other to root out the common problem.

The Secret That Exploded :: essays research papers fc

The Secret that Exploded by Howard Morland   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"The Secret that Exploded† written by Howard Morland is a non-fiction book based on his findings on the H-bomb. Howard dedicated his life to finding out the secret of the H-bomb and releasing his findings to the public who have been in the dark since the beginnings of the Manhattan Project. The book goes through everything he went through from when he became an airforce pilot to him becoming involved in radical groups to him fighting the government in court for freedom of press. His book goes through everything he had to do to get the information he needed to find out the secret of the H-bomb. Howard felt that if â€Å"He would attack secrecy; if secrecy could be dismantled, then the opponents of nuclear weaponry would have a fighting chance. (pg.50)† He wanted to break down the secrecy of the government and give the radical groups that were against the bomb a chance to get there views heard around the U.S. and possibly bring a stop to the nuclear arms race. Howard thought that the â€Å"secret of the H-bomb could be the centerpiece of the secrecy structure and that if he could crack it he could bring down the whole secrecy structure.(pg.50)† This is what he wanted and he wanted all of the secrets that the government has been keeping from the public to be revealed so that the public could know what was going on and not be in the dark.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Howard knowing that finding the secret would be near impossible moved on in his journey and visited every major nuclear manufacturing sight in the U.S. that he knew about. On his journey he encountered problems with security. The government has bottled up the secret by giving security clearances to anyone who knew the secret. These people could not tell anyone anything that was deemed classified and they could get in very big trouble if they did. Howard had to get by this by asking questions that would bring back answers that wasn’t classified material but the information that he needed. Howard got so good at asking questions that he eventually put together all the information he found out from all of his sources and put together his version of the H-bomb. This version was so near accurate that the government wanted to classify it so that Howard could not publish it in the The Progressive magazine. Howard and The Progressive took the government to the Supreme court where the government dropped their case because the info that they wanted to contain had already leaked out to the public. Howard and The Progressive got what they wanted and earned

Thursday, September 19, 2019

A Philosophical Examination of Language Essay -- Phylosophy

A Philosophical Examination of Language "Philosophy is language idling." —Ludwig Wittgenstein    Language and philosophy have an intimate connection to one another; without a philosophical examination of the meanings and structure of language, we cannot easily ascertain the objective truth of the statements we make, nor can we usefully discuss abstract concepts. The philosophy of language seeks to understand the concepts expressed by language and to find a system by which it can effectively and accurately do so. This is more difficult than it appears at first; philosophers are looking for a theory of language which avoids the minute errors of meaning and usage which occur in all discussions of abstract concepts and which tend to lead those discussions into complicated dead-ends. Since so much of philosophy is currently concerned with the linguistic representation of reality, the bond between the philosophical and the linguistic is growing stronger. Philosophers can only write syntax for the languages they want to use in expressing theory with some knowledge of linguistics; and linguists can use philosophical principles to solve problems of meaning and syntax (Moravcsik 89). This strong link can be exploited to the advantage of both sides. In recent history philosophers have struggled with the question of precision in language and have sought to construct a system under which meanings can be discussed without danger of falling into circular or metaphysical traps. Two major approaches to this question have arisen in scientific circles of the twentieth century. Logical empiricism, also known as logical positivism, seeks to produce a language which consists of symbols combined precisely in accordance with sp... ...ohns Hopkins P, 1969. Katz, Jerrold J. The Philosophy of Language. New York: Harper & Row, 1966. Malcolm, Norman. Nothing is Hidden: Wittgenstein's Criticism of his Early Thought. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1986. Moravcsik, J.M.E. Understanding Language: A Study of Theories in Linguistics and in Philosophy. The Hague: Mouton, 1975. Qadir, C.A. Logical Positivism. Lahore: Ripon P, 1965. Quine, Willard van Orman. "Two Dogmas of Empiricism." Readings in the Philosophy of Language. Eds. Jay F. Rosenberg & Charles Travis. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1971. Rahim, Syed Ataur. Logical Positivism and Metaphysics. Hussainabad/Karachi: Rahim P, 1990. Sengupta, Kalyan Kumar. Language and Philosophy. Bombay: Allied P, 1969. Stevens, Allan. On Belief. [Online] Available, December 16, 1997.

Pike Ted Hughes Essay -- English Literature

Pike Ted Hughes Choose a poem you studied recently which challenges the reader to view something familiar in a new and thought provoking way. Pike Ted Hughes Stanzas one to four of the poem are there to describe the Pike, its nature, what it looks like and it’s destiny in nature as a predator. The poet, Ted Hughes, in writing this poem challenges the reader to view nature in a totally new perspective by exploring the power and violence in it by using one animal in river life, the Pike, since the Pike is the supreme species of fish in river life he uses it to full extend to show the power and violence of nature. Hughes starts the poem with â€Å"Pike, three inches long, perfect† using this as a start to describing the Pike, he begins to build up the Pike’s image as a predator, always being a predator with no change required through evolution therefore using â€Å"perfect† as another way of saying that the pike was designed perfectly as a predator and will never need to change as it will always remain supreme in its habitat. â€Å"Pike in all parts, green tigering the gold† the use of the word â€Å"tigering† giving a comparison of the Pike to the Tiger, completely different creatures but in their own worlds they are just as deadly as each other, the Tiger being supreme in the jungle just as the Pike is supreme in the river. â€Å"Killers from the egg† using this Hughes re-enforces his point of the Pike being born to killer, always meant to be a predator. â€Å"The malevolent aged grin† the poet strongly uses â€Å"malevolent† to catch the reader and fully describe the evil that the Pike is designed for, even since the moment of birth the Pike’s features have already been aged with the evil, menacing look, to show its potential fo... ...move, the still splashes on he dark pond†. Assuming that the poet was on a small boat â€Å"owls hushing the floating woods† he hears the owls in the woods that seems to float as he sits on this boat, â€Å"frail on my ear against the dream† just managing to hear the owls as the only noise - almost as if the owls â€Å"hushing† the rest of the woods to be silent, adding more fear to this trip – just keeping him aware of this world that seems so much like a dream. â€Å"Darkness beneath night’s darkness had freed† this meaning the darkness of the water beneath the night’s darkness and also the darkness of the Pike, as darkness is associated with evil, now moving â€Å"freed† under him, â€Å"that rose slowly towards me, watching.† The pike, the evil slowly rising towards him watching his every move, he makes it as if the pike seeing him as prey, slowly approaching him, ready to strike.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Elie Wiesels Night :: Elie Wiesel Night Essays

Elie Wiesel's Night      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   "For more than half an hour he stayed there, struggling between life and death, dying in slow agony under our eyes.   And we had to look him full in the face.   He was still alive when I passed in front of him.   His tongue was still red, his eyes were not yet glazed.   Behind me I heard [a] man asking:   Where is God now?"      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The suffering of this child being hanged is comparable to the suffering endured by many Jews during the holocaust.   This quotation is found in just one of many heart wrenching scenes found in Night, a biography of the holocaust survivor, Elie Wiesel.   Wiesel stayed quiet about the holocaust for ten years and his reasoning for this was, "I didn't want to use the wrong words.   I was afraid the words might betray it."   This also may account for the fact that some of the sentences found in Night are very wordy and often are overwhelming to the reader because of the amount of significance found in each.   This flaw, though, is very forgivable under the circumstances.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Besides for the brilliant descriptions found in Night and the feeling that you were walking in Elie's shoes, if he literally had any, Night opens the readers mind to the atrocities of the holocaust and concentration camps.   We take for granted, today, our knowledge of knowing how many Jews were killed by the Nazi's and having a general idea of the kind of life people led in the concentration camps.   People never really stop to think about what it must have felt like not knowing what was going on or what was going to happen next.   Wiesel illustrates this very clearly at the beginning of his autobiography.   He shows the reaction of the townspeople when they first heard of Hitler and German troops and the optimistic approach they ecided to take on life.   This technique of taking the reader to life before the ghettos and the concentration camps is very interesting and unique.   Before reaching about the middle of the novel, the beginning may not really be appreciated.   The reader probably will not realize how much greater the effect is on him/her until he/she notices how much life has changed for