Tuesday, February 4, 2020

A New Work Ethic Case 4.4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

A New Work Ethic Case 4.4 - Essay Example As far as my experience is concerned, those with above attitude have failed to be a part of an organization for a long time as they have failed to score good in annual appraisal. In my experience I haven’t seen any thief from employee due to the culture of the society in which I live in and proper recording of the accounts where employees were thoroughly scrutinized. This culture also discouraged grouping which would hurt the business itself. I believe that employees, including me, have and will always believe that supervisors are paper-pushing functionaries who will get in the way as this is true. This discourages innovation on part of an employee and at times does not make them feel a part of an organization. Explain the implications of work ethic Sheehy describes for the future of American business. Work ethics is one of the key in any business success. In America, work ethics is more important and demanding due to its wider implications on the end beneficiary that is custo mer. First and foremost ingredient to work ethics is the hard work an employee puts into. Not only this but also a rewarding hard work which is worth every penny of the minute worked. Getting shortcuts and not making effort will not only result in downfall of the American businesses but also would result in dearth of employees on demand. Working hard just to Get big scores poisons a business environment and would get worst if that employee is given a major responsibility or is promoted up the hierarchy ladder. Explain whether it is more reasonable to expect workers, especially in a capitalist society, to be more devoted to their jobs, more concerned with quality and customer service, than Sheehy's coworkers were. Absolutely. In a capitalist society there is more thrust to be productive as capitalism brings in extra ordinary prosperity. Thus devotion to job is a must as it rewards virtue and punishes vice. More devoted to jobs, more fell employee will be paid as he/she would be seen as a resource which can not only retain but also bring in business. Sheehy’s co-workers would definitely fail in a capitalist society and would lose their jobs sooner rather than later (Thompson). A job like this depends on the customer services provided. Devotion to this job means to make a customer satisfied with the least of his requirements even and building a relationship with him which goes down to benefiting the business. Explain the reasoning behind employee theft. In frequent usage,  theft is the unlawful taking of another person's  personal belonging  with no prior permission of that person or any kind of approval.   Employee thief as a fact has been on a rise not only in developing world but also in the developed world which has been a huge strain on the businesses. Lack of maturity as an employee could be the first reason as most of them are teenagers. Some might be doing theft without any fear as most of them are from upper middle class and are not so wor ried about being getting fired. Peer pressure could be another reason where one would be treated well only if he/she will jell into the work ethics of the rest. Explain ways the culture of our capitalists society encourages attitudes like those Sheehy describes Corruption which is common in a capitalist

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