Monday, February 24, 2020

Theatre Arts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4750 words

Theatre Arts - Essay Example The Tempest has been chosen as a topic of relevance in the current study on theatre arts as it the production of ‘The Tempest’ provides a valuable insight into the work of an individual across several fronts. In this case, Julie Taymor has taken on many responsibilities apart from the core role of directing the play such as designing the costumes and make up of actors, designing puppets to be used during various scenes as well as creating masks to be used by the actors. In all these various roles, Taymor has gone on to use her extensive experience of showcasing the stage using adaptations from representations across different streams and cultures and in doing so, she has brought these unknown forms of drama to the forefront. The current essay is an effort in this direction aimed at studying all these influences that have played a prominent role in the design and creation of various elements of the play. Different theatrical approaches such as the use of the ‘Bunraku’ style from Japan. Additionally, Indonesian styles of drama as well as the use of the styles adopted by the mud men of Papua New Guinea will be extensively discussed. In this world where there are several mediums for expressing feeling and emotions in so many distinct ways, a common question arises if there is any unique form of art that enables the combination of the human, physical, emotional and the spiritual forms of expression. What have some of the most prominent people in the profession been doing and drawing inspiration from as part of their exposure to different approached would be an interesting question in this context and is the prime purpose of this paper. One of the most special faculties that combine different forms of expressions to life in a real sense is the world of theater arts. Theatre or Drama is a notch higher than most other forms of expression and falls

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Case Analysis Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Analysis - Case Study Example Notably, all investments are marveled with investment risks that must be handled in a given way; otherwise, the affected business is headed to collapse. Risk management skills are learned. Therefore, such skills follow a given professional way since they often apply varied different models of problem solving skills. For instance, the discretionary wealth hypothesis is a perfect model of comprehensive risk management comprising of both interim shortfall constrains and downside risks that are based on ln(w-c) utility. Therefore, every business risk scenario follows a different and distinct way of management or handling. The Jarrod Wilcox’s article, Risk management: Survival of the fittest has represented different scenarios that require different and distinct risk management skills to handle. The first case scenario, Option income funds, is where brokers owned and distrusted stocks or bonds. Moreover, they distributed premiums in forms of income (Wilcox, 2004). These activities led to an intense disappointment and withdrawal of investors following gradual decline of opportunity and reduction of money flow. To build the investor confidence is this case; the risk manager should apply the Kelly’s rule of the stock portfolios. In this case, the investor should confront single period return distributions. By calculating statistical parameters such mean and variance thereafter looking into kurtosis and skewness of the date in distribution data, it is possible to predict the data distribution. This process will enable mangers to restrict or regulate rockers’ distribution habit thereby building the investor confidence (Wilcox, 2004). The Extreme CPPI case desires to protect the investor from the downside risk in order to reduce portfolio insurance. In other words, the case reflects a scenario where investors are only interested in business when profits are high. Despite timings, the investor may sometime

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Event management Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Event management - Case Study Example It involves comparing the actual operations of the organization and the planned operations. If deviations occur, they are accounted for, and the necessary steps taken towards mending the deviations from the plans (Oleg & Plamen, 2010). Human resources refer to the workforce employed by the organizations. It involves all the people employed to work in the organization. Human resource management involves the management of people at work in an organization (Josephat, 2011). The human resources in an organization include wage laborers and salaried workers. They implement the plans of the organization. They are checked for their performance in the controlling process. Logistics involves moving and handling goods. In other words, it entails managing the efficient flow of goods, as well as information from the origin to the point of consumption (Yung-yu & Wen, 2005). Logistics relates to the planning, control, human resource and risk management in that the flow of information or materials is planned for, controlled, are carried out by the human resources. Planning in logistics also entails the aspect of risk management. Risk management involves measures to avoid and mitigate risks. The aim is to prevent loss, reduce loss , and avoid risks and to finance the risks. For example, Edinburg Hogmanay’s risk management will involve avoiding accidents associated with fireworks. It will also entail measures to be taken in case the risk occurs. Firework display involves several risks. One of the risks is tipping over while firing. It becomes dangerous when the fireworks are fired towards spectators. Another risk is the shots going off at the ground level due to immature ignition or other faults (UKFR, 2014). It may cause serious damage to the people, especially if the safety distance is not observed. Part fired fireworks also pose risks. They are those fireworks that are not

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

A New Work Ethic Case 4.4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

A New Work Ethic Case 4.4 - Essay Example As far as my experience is concerned, those with above attitude have failed to be a part of an organization for a long time as they have failed to score good in annual appraisal. In my experience I haven’t seen any thief from employee due to the culture of the society in which I live in and proper recording of the accounts where employees were thoroughly scrutinized. This culture also discouraged grouping which would hurt the business itself. I believe that employees, including me, have and will always believe that supervisors are paper-pushing functionaries who will get in the way as this is true. This discourages innovation on part of an employee and at times does not make them feel a part of an organization. Explain the implications of work ethic Sheehy describes for the future of American business. Work ethics is one of the key in any business success. In America, work ethics is more important and demanding due to its wider implications on the end beneficiary that is custo mer. First and foremost ingredient to work ethics is the hard work an employee puts into. Not only this but also a rewarding hard work which is worth every penny of the minute worked. Getting shortcuts and not making effort will not only result in downfall of the American businesses but also would result in dearth of employees on demand. Working hard just to Get big scores poisons a business environment and would get worst if that employee is given a major responsibility or is promoted up the hierarchy ladder. Explain whether it is more reasonable to expect workers, especially in a capitalist society, to be more devoted to their jobs, more concerned with quality and customer service, than Sheehy's coworkers were. Absolutely. In a capitalist society there is more thrust to be productive as capitalism brings in extra ordinary prosperity. Thus devotion to job is a must as it rewards virtue and punishes vice. More devoted to jobs, more fell employee will be paid as he/she would be seen as a resource which can not only retain but also bring in business. Sheehy’s co-workers would definitely fail in a capitalist society and would lose their jobs sooner rather than later (Thompson). A job like this depends on the customer services provided. Devotion to this job means to make a customer satisfied with the least of his requirements even and building a relationship with him which goes down to benefiting the business. Explain the reasoning behind employee theft. In frequent usage,  theft is the unlawful taking of another person's  personal belonging  with no prior permission of that person or any kind of approval.   Employee thief as a fact has been on a rise not only in developing world but also in the developed world which has been a huge strain on the businesses. Lack of maturity as an employee could be the first reason as most of them are teenagers. Some might be doing theft without any fear as most of them are from upper middle class and are not so wor ried about being getting fired. Peer pressure could be another reason where one would be treated well only if he/she will jell into the work ethics of the rest. Explain ways the culture of our capitalists society encourages attitudes like those Sheehy describes Corruption which is common in a capitalist