Monday, December 9, 2019

Revitalization Cornell Hospital Quarterly -Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Revitalization Cornell Hospital Quarterly? Answer: Introducation The company was founded by Jeff Bezos wherein his efforts has been described his different efforts in order to fend off different regrets for not participating in the entire business boom during that specific period (Kousha and Thelwall 2015). The entire company began as the online book retailer store and then it became online and it provides the different customers in the 1995. The Amazon Tech giant is one of the largest retailers in the entire world that was founded by Jeff Bezos in the year 1994, in the month of July (Keller and Kotler 2016). was opened in the year 1994 as one of the biggest retailer of books and later they diversified their business into other divisions that included software, jewelry along with other TVs. Amazon has been one of the largest providers of services of cloud infrastructure in the entire competitive market. Amazon has separate retail websites for different countries that included United States, Australia, Germany, and Spain along with Australia. The Amazon Company has even offered different international shipping to different countries for few of the products. In the year 2015, Amazon surpassed E-Bay as the retailers of the capitalization of the market. Furthermore, in the year 2017, Amazon has acquired whole food market for $13.4 billion and this helped them in increasing their presence in the entire competitive market (Kotler 2015). Objectives of the brand audit The brand audit of Amazon Inc. will consist of an elaborate and comprehensive analysis of the Amazon e-market. The primary aim of the brand audit is to display the various sources of equity, even suggest the methods to which shall help the company to improve the financial budgeting and leverage the equity that is currently in the ownership of the company. The brand audit that will be undertaken will be in two parts, which will comprise of a brand inventory and a brand exploratory with recommendations for both (Dev and Keller 2014). The elements of the inventory will be laid out initially, which will then take the path ahead for the explanatory portion. The primary objective of the brand audit is to reveal fresh growth opportunities for the company and suggest a way by which the new customers as well as the existing customers of the company can be catered. If the brand follows this, Amazon will be able to lead a sustainable and long-term life. The competition and the industry - an overview The global e-commerce market is in a state of expansion as well as consolidation. With the advent of digitalization and m ore consumers buying goods digitally, the global e-commerce sales are on a constant rise. There are two international players in the market, the first being Alibaba, which is a Chinese website and the second being Amazon (Hair Jr and Lukas 2014). The companies have been trying extremely hard to widen their reach in the given market by continuously investing in the emerging markets. E-marketing experts have predicted that the global e-commerce sales were around $2.290 trillion in 2017 and will be at a high value of $4.479 trillion at the end of the 2021 era. Amazon has various competitors around the globe, which range from Alibaba, Flipkart, E-Bay, Spencers and others (McDaniel and Gates 2013). However, Amazon has been doing considerably well as compared to its competitors in the industry. In the emerging markets, there have been local companies who have been giving a tough competition to the brand. Amazon has been coming out with various strategies to cope with the competition. In the Australian market, the company has been able to experience a high growth rate despite the power of the local companies (Armstrong et al. 2015). There is a problem with respect to the company as the distance in Australia is very huge. If the company wants to deliver goods, it will need to cover a huge distance. The biggest threat of Amazon in Australia is Woolworths and E-Bay. They have an advantage over Amazon in the sense that the company does not have a physical presence in the country and only an online presence ( 2018). On the other hand, Woolworths sell the same products as Amazon and has a physical store, which helps it to catch the eye of the consumers and become popular. Hence, even Amazon should try to implement a concept like Amazon Go, which will initiate the presence of a physical store especially in a large geographic country like Australia, References , Shop online for Electronics, Apparel, Toys, Books, DVDs more. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 27 Jan. 2018]. Armstrong, G., Kotler, P., Harker, M. and Brennan, R., 2015.Marketing: an introduction. Pearson Education. Dev, C.S. and Keller, K.L., 2014. Brand revitalization.Cornell Hospitality Quarterly,55(4), pp.333-341. Hair Jr, J.F. and Lukas, B., 2014.Marketing research(Vol. 2). McGraw-Hill Education Australia. Keller, K.L. and Kotler, P., 2016.Marketing management. Pearson. Kotler, P., 2015.Framework for marketing management. Pearson Education India. Kousha, K. and Thelwall, M., 2016. Can Amazon. com reviews help to assess the wider impacts of books?.Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology,67(3), pp.566-581. McDaniel, C. nd Gates, R., 2013.Marketing research. Singapore.

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