Thursday, October 24, 2019

Obtaining a college degree Essay

Obtaining a college degree is one of the most important goals in my life. I know that with a college degree I could have better opportunities to realize my dreams. I am an international student and I find life in this country exciting, new and it seemed that everyday is a learning experience. I feel that there is so much more that I could learn, so much more to experience and to discover. I am Chung, Sung-Joo and I am applying in your university to continue my studies in the field of economics. I come from a place where education is valued and highly prized. I know that my parents and family will be proud of me when I get into a university and I am doing my best to not fail them. The dream of earning a degree from a prestigious university has been my inspiration to continue studying despite the difficulties of adjusting to a new country and new culture. The image in my mind of going to school everyday in this university and attending classes and meeting new people have kept me going and pulled me through two years of preparatory training. Applying to the University of California is the next installment to the realization of that dream. Being accepted would be an accomplishment in itself and if ever I will be given the chance to continue my studies in this institution then I am prepared and able to give my best and fulfill my desire for learning and to become an expert in the field of economics. Early in my life, I have understood why my parents have worked so hard to send me to a good school and why they have encouraged me to seek education in this country, and until now I believe in their conviction that having a quality education is the key for success later in life. I bring with me that conviction, hence I am committed to finishing this course, and I will work hard, persevere in the face of difficulties, find meaning in my lessons, respect my teachers and participate wholeheartedly in my classes. I believe that if a person desires and prays for that which he holds dear then it will be given to him. I know that with hard work, dedication to my studies and being happy with what I do will take me closer to that degree. Academically, I know that I can cope with the demands of university rigors. I am good with numbers and I can easily understand concepts like trends and patterns of movement, and I do believe that I have the analytical mind necessary for the study of economics. I have been well trained by my mentors in Diablo Valley College and they have all encouraged me to apply in your school. I trust their judgment and I know that your program will give me the knowledge and skills to become an analytical economist. I am also good at understanding relationships between ideas and or events, I am fairly certain that economists should be good at critical thinking, problem solving and forecasting. I think that I have the necessary background for furthering a degree in economics, although I must admit that I still need to improve in my verbal communication skills and in speaking the language more fluently. But I know that despite the language difficulty, my earnest desire to learn would surpass it. I have adequate computer skills, I have an eye for details, I am careful with my work and I have a working study habit. I am also adept at research and I like doing practical application projects as it helps me test the concepts I learned from class and I enjoy working with a topic and finding more about it. I know that so many students come to you every semester and I do hope that I will be among those you would consider to accept. Reference Peterson’s Undergraduate Database (2006). Â  New York: Thomson Learning Inc.

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