Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Leadership and Ethical Decision-Making Assignment

Leadership and Ethical Decision-Making - Assignment Example The consultation of the ethics review committee with the ethics consultant group is therefore very important in decision making. Business ethics provide that the contractual obligations of a company to its clients must be fulfilled (Solomon, 1999). The situation presented in this case demonstrates that the business partner did not meet his end of the bargain because the responsibilities given to him are not met as illustrated in the case. The failure of the business partner to meet the obligations provided is the basis on which the decision of the ethics review committee is to be based so that proactive action is taken against the partner. Furthermore, the failure of the business partner to meet the timelines under which the business research shows that the obligations are not met in this case. As a result, the ethics review committee in consultation with the ethics consultants group will base their leadership decision on the lack of compliance to the business obligation of the partn er. The action to be taken against the partner is motivated by the fact that the client is always the most important person for any business. This is due to the fact that it is the client who provides revenue to the company through investment and therefore capital for the company is assured through which revenue is acquired. The business partner by failing to encourage the consulting team to conduct timely business research shows that the ethical values of business practices are not practices; this is illustrated by the fact that the presentation of the research findings to the client is due in a very short time which would not enable proper research to be carried out. This is a failure of business ethical practice which is shown when the business partner uses previous research related to the one presented in the case. Because of the time differences in the business researches, and due to the changes in the business environment, application of the previous research will not be relia ble in business decision making. This would result to the loss of faith by the client on the company which will lead to eventual loss of the client. The steps of leadership decision making will be applied by the ethics review committee in this case in consultation with the ethics consultant group. This will ensure that the business partner will take business responsibility for the failure to meet the business contractual obligations by not enabling timely business research as required. The first step p in decision making is the identification of the problem or the opportunities available to the business (Di Norcia & Joyce, 2000). In this case, the problem to be identified by the ethics review committee is the failure of adherence to business ethics by the business partner. The opportunity that the business has is the possibility of convincing the client to invest in the project despite the ethical defiance by the business. Therefore the ethics review committee will base its decision of the negative implications of the problems that the non-compliance to business ethics on the firm. The ethics review committee will then gather all information relevant to the development of the business ethics case. Through the consultation with the ethics consultant group, the committee with therefore make its decision. The situation is then analyzed in the third step of decision making.

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