Thursday, October 31, 2019

China-home for Apple or Samsung Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

China-home for Apple or Samsung - Research Paper Example The age of consumerism has accentuated the need for business organizations to ensure distinction between products and services so as to emerge successful in the competitive and turbulent business market. A section would also be devoted towards analysing the ethical aspects in marketing communication. Thereafter a primary study would also be conducted to analyse the consumer behaviour of the target market audience so as to finally conclude the study and suggest a set of plausible recommendations for the company so as to ensure sustainable competitive advantage in the lucrative Chinese consumer market. Introduction The era of globalisation has opened up a plethora of opportunities for business organizations. The emergence of new markets like Russia and China has opened up opportunities in a market where the traditional markets like Europe and USA are getting saturated beyond limits. However in order to make a successful international expansion it is very necessary to have a well knit business plan so as to effectively capture the market. Marketing communication plays a very significant role in this regard. This is because of the fact that marketing communications are the only source where the company conveys its intended message to the target market audience. In case of new markets this assumes even more significance as the positioning and image of the brand is largely developed as a result of marketing communication strategy used by the company. The present study would analyse the integrated marketing communication strategy for Apple for its proposed expansion into the Chinese market. The choi ce of the organization and the market assumes significance considering the fact that Apple is one of the most dominant brands and China is the fastest growing market in the world. Market and Literature Review Apple is one of the most repute brands and has been constantly rated among the top brands by leading agencies like Forbes and Fortune (Forbes, 2011). The company’s USP in the market is focussed on its innovative abilities to design new products. The company heavily relies on both internal as well as external communications to drive its products in the market (O'Grady, 2008, p.42). Apple is known to have a communications strategy that involves creation of a buzz while launching a new product or entering a market. The company strives on creating a ‘wow’ factor around the launch of a product. This was evident from the fact that long queues where observed during launch of iPods (ICMR, 2008). Apple’s competitor Samsung on the other hand relies on sponsorsh ips and advertisements on print and electronic media to communicate its message to the target market audience. The pricing of its products are also more competitive as compared to Apple. The product strategy of Apple is largely based on the aspect of innovation and uniqueness in design and features. Apple relies on cult based marketing in which the customers constitute a loyal lot and undertake measures to protect the brand and company. The company believes in turning customers into followers so as to generate loyalty and promote the brand in the market.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Analyze whether a dollar depreciation will improve the U.S. current Essay

Analyze whether a dollar depreciation will improve the U.S. current account deficit - Essay Example In other words, a nation is said to have a trade deficit if it is imports more than it exports. Such a situation will make  a country a net debtor to the rest of the world. However, in some cases current account deficit may not necessarily a bad thing for the developing countries. Current account deficits will encourage the developing countries to increase its local productivity which will be useful for that country in the long run. According to the statistics available for 2004-2005, U.S. holdings of foreign assets are around $ 8 trillion whereas foreign holdings of U.S. assets are around $ 10.7 trillion (Blanchard, n. d.p.6). In other words, United States is a debtor to foreign countries. The situation became worst in recent times because of the global financial crisis and the subsequent dipping US economy. The exchange value of U.S. dollar is a major parameter in increasing or decreasing the current account deficit of United States. When the exchange rates of US dollar increases , the current account deficits will also increase and when the exchange rates of U.S. dollar decreases, the current account deficits will also decreases. In other words, current account rates and the value of the dollar have direct relationships. This paper analyses the US dollar depreciation and its effects on America’s current account deficits. ... â€Å"The substantial depreciation of the U.S. dollar against the currencies of most industrial countries since early 2002 is presumably a manifestation of diminishing relative enthusiasm for U.S. dollar investments, at least where market forces operate without significant official involvement† (Mussa, 2007,p.4). Depreciation of dollar will discourage developed countries from investing in US dollars. Earlier, most of the foreign organizations invested heavily in US dollars because of the perception that US economy will never be destroyed and the dollar value will never be decreased. However, the recent recession and the subsequent financial crisis happened in United States have forced others to change their opinion. Thus dollar started to depreciate against most of the industrial country currencies and the effective foreign exchange value of the dollar has been reduced considerably over the last few years. Effective dollar depreciation, together with the relative strengthening of growth in other countries, has stabilized the U.S. external deficit when measured in real volume terms since late 2004; and the fourth quarter of 2006 will probably see a significant decline in this measure of the real payments deficit. The current account deficit as a share of GDP may also show a modest decline next year, especially if world oil prices remain below their average 2006 level (Mussa, 2007, p.4) â€Å"A depreciation of the U.S. dollar not only increases the dollar value of U.S. assets denominated in foreign currencies, but it also reduces the foreign currency value of U.S. liabilities, which are, essentially, all denominated in U.S. dollars† (International Financial Integration and the Current Account Balance, 2006, p.2). The

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Providing a sustainable approach to coastal tourism development in Essay

Providing a sustainable approach to coastal tourism development in Turkey - Essay Example Research and policy making on tourism development, at least from now must ensure that there is no effect of such practices on the environment but all along, care must be taken to enhance the development of the tourism industry. This dissertation is an initiative in that direction that is aimed at providing all key role players in the Mediterranean tourism industry in particular with a clear cut strategy on how to evolve the process of sustainable development and aims to project the advantages of doing so in a descriptive manner. Thus, this dissertation emphasizes that sustainable development will ensure the development & uplift of all sections of the society & economy. In the dissertation, the first chapter would primarily focus on providing the user an insight into the concept of sustainability & describes as to how this concept can be put into use in the case of tourism. The second chapter describes the way in which the reader can apply the principles as outlined by the sustainable approach towards actual implementation in the form of description of policies for sustainable development. There is also a need for the reader to understand the current situation that exists in the region under discussion. Therefore, the third chapter describes about tourism in the Mediterranean, how it grew in the region & what has been is impact on the local economy & environment. The fourth chapter extends this discussion further by allowing for the specification of the merits & demerits of the growth of tourism in the Mediterranean region in its current form. Once the description of the existing problems has been mad, the usual approach is to describe about the alternatives & remedies that must be used in order to correct the existing problems with regards to the effect of the current trends in tourism on the Mediterranean ecology. This is taken care of by the next chapter and

Monday, October 28, 2019

History of Guitar Essay Example for Free

History of Guitar Essay Music has always been a part of the world’s culture throughout the history. Way back thousands of years ago, people utilized their body parts such as their mouth, hands and feet, in order to create sounds. However, due to people’s inventiveness and resourcefulness, they have begun to use different materials that are part of their everyday life so the creation of musical instruments has begun. One of those discovered and invented instruments is guitar. This paper endeavors to present detailed information with regards to the history of guitar. First, it will provide a definition of the term ‘musical instrument,’ and its types. Then, it will also provide a definition of the musical instrument ‘guitar. ’ Second, it will trace and narrate its history. And lastly, it will reveal its benefits to the society. Furthermore, it will give a brief knowledge its contemporary status in the society. Musical instrument, traditionally, is any sound-producing material that comes from any culture, activated in any means, and is utilized for making what is universally and frequently known as â€Å"music. † It encompasses automatic or mechanical however it also includes recording or playback device (Rice). It is classified into different types namely: (1) idiophones, which consists of cymbals, triangles, gongs, castanets, bells, xylophones; (2) membranophones, which consists of drums, a skin or membranes is extended and stretched across a reverberating cavity; (3) chordophones or instruments that produce and make sounds by way of vibration of one or more strings stretched amidst two fixed points. It can be a guitar, lupe, harp, violin, cello; (4) aerophones which are blowing devices that use vibration of the air. These include trumpets, clarinets, flutes, bagpipes, whistle (qtd. n Wade 10). Guitar is a stringed instrument, which looks like the lute or the violin, however, it is bigger in size and has six strings: three of them are silk-covered silver wire and the other three are catgut (â€Å"Guitar†). It is a globally mobile instrument by which form, tonal textures and playing strategies and techniques are result of its appropriation. It is utilized in various locally specific musical contexts (Bennett and Dawe 1). It is made of wood, akin with lute, however, it has a more box-shaped resonator—the general characteristic of the instrument. All through the history, its strings are played by either a plectrum or a finger. It possesses a circular soundhole in its center (Wade 12). The modern English terminology for ‘guitar’ came from the Spanish term ‘guittara’ and was derived from Arabic and Latin terms ‘qitara’ and ‘cithara,’ respectively. These terms were derived from ‘kithara,’ and earlier Greek word, and from the Persian term ‘sithar’. â€Å"‘Sithar’ itself is related to the Indian instrument, the sitar† (â€Å"History of Guitar†). The history of guitar is traced hundred of years ago. It has been established along with other ancestor instruments known as lyres and harps, which are mentioned in the Old Testament, Mesopotamian long-necked lutes, string instruments delineated in ancient Babylonian and Egyptian art (Wade 13). The oldest famous representation of the instrument that displays all its important features is on a 3,300-year old stone carving of Hittite bard (â€Å"History of Guitar†) found at Alaca Hoyuk (Wade 13). Throughout the Middle Ages, three, four, five-string guitars do exist. The Guittara Latina, which has curved sides, is said and thought to have originated in Spain (â€Å"Acoustic Guitar History†). It is a product per se of a long and multifaceted history of various influences (â€Å"History of Guitar†). Renaissance is the chosen period that is said to be the suitable starting point of guitar because it is during this epoch that the instrument is already in relation to music (Turnbull 2). During this period, composers wrote most of the time in tablature (â€Å"Acoustic Guitar History†), a musical notation relatively different from the modern ones. Its page usually looked flamboyant, ornate and complicated but for musicians and instrumentalists, it has been a very practical, useful and a straightforward method and manner of transforming symbols into sounds (Wade 18). Nevertheless, in this period, the guitar never possessed the respect that the lute has because it has not been regarded as a serious instrument. The first publication for guitar was recognized to have come from Alonso Muddara’s â€Å"Tres Libros de Musica en Cifras para Vihuela. † Finally, the guitar commenced to attract instrumentalists hence; there had been an increase in publication and music (â€Å"Some Guitar History†). Italy became the center of guitar in 17th century. In the late 18th century subsequent to the addition of the sixth string, the Spanish school of guitar making flourished. In the era of 19th century, there was already an enhanced and improved communication and transportation that allowed the performers to journey around the world, thus, the guitar evolved to become a widely known musical instrument (â€Å"Acoustic Guitar History†). The aspects and dimensions of the modern classical guitar were established and founded by Antonio Torres, who works in Seville in 1850 (â€Å"History of Guitar†). Guitar music then became popular in Spain. The development in guitar that was done by Torres signified alterations in appearance. The modern guitar took the form of a broadened body, the waist curve was increased and the belly was thinned. An improvement with regards to its internal bracing was designed; single string courses were replaced by double courses and the machine head replaced the wooden tuning pegs (â€Å"Acoustic Guitar History†). By the end of the 19th century, the guitar has fallen out of favor. However, it was revived by Francisco Tarrega, who was known for his â€Å"Receurdos de la Alhambra. † He performed in public and chose to perform for his friends at his home. He wrote a technique on how to teach guitar. He also transcribed a myriad of musical pieces for guitar. He was also considered as the pioneer of playing guitar with fingernails; which evolved into a tradition (â€Å"Some Guitar History†). Most of the credit and recognition regarding the development of guitar was carried on to the Europeans. Today, steel-string acoustic guitars are developed by the Americans. In the early 20th century, when European emigrants arrived in America, a number of them are highly skilled musical instrument makers, which includes those specialists in the steel-stringed guitar. There are two kinds of production that have evolved—the flat-top guitar and the arch-top guitar (â€Å"Acoustic of Guitar History†). When guitar technology has finally led and made its way to the United States in the early 19th century, it was Charles Friedrich Martin, a guitar maker who migrated in New York in 1833, who initiated it. In early 1900s, the Martin Company produced and made larger guitar instruments yet still adhered and abided with the classic model designs, especially the Spanish guitar (â€Å"How a Guitar is Made: Background†). The lineage of the guitar is huge and arduous to trace especially because there is a partial misconception that the guitar is a direct successor of the lute. The lack of reputation and prominence of guitar in history is aptly due to the fact that it attracts little heed from good composers and musicians until the 20th century (â€Å"A Contextual Background†). The creation of guitar has been of vital importance in the field of music. It is a representation and embodiment of discovery, inventiveness, imagination and expression of performing intelligence and skill. The early guitar bestowed significant contributions during the Baroque period. The guitar and guitar ancestors took hold of the attention of folk culture and the middle class way back the Baroque era as well as the Classical period (â€Å"A Contextual Background†). The instrument represents an abstract idea, a mode of thinking with regards to sound and a mode of identifying and recognizing cultures. The guitar is a fundamental icon in American culture and other cultures around the world. There are several versions of stringed instruments that are crafted and created as distant away from Japan, and are developed into the orchestra. It also forms unique variations like the Sitar of India (â€Å"The Linage of Guitar Construction†). The growth of the guitar in the course of history is in a two-fold path. The technical progression and developments have been enthralling, fascinating and fundamental. Nevertheless, nourishing and developing that evolution and development has been the social element of guitar’s reputation and recognition. The mechanical alterations that have been demanded socially contributed to its better and louder instrumentation. Thus, there have been documentations on its development and journey. The guitar’s progression in the course of time is one of the mirrors that culture indeed changes over time. It evolves just like how the guitar evolves (Kentor and Michaels 10). The guitar is not just an embodiment of one’s culture and time. It is also a representation of the status of whoever owns it especially during the ancient times because most people in the middle class owned a guitar. Its development serves a reflection that people’s ingenuity, thinking and creativity do enhance and progress, alongside with the culture that they belong. The creation of guitar has helped a lot in the music industry because it accompanies and produces sound even without the use of electricity. It is purely mechanical because only the fingers or a pick is used in playing. However, the invention of electric guitar has contrasted that fact. Compared to the classic mechanical guitar, it produces louder and better sound. On the other hand, the discovery and creation of electronic music, music that can be created even without musical instruments at hand—purely digital, has given way to the somewhat â€Å"death† of guitar industry. It is now being taken for granted little by little even though there are still some who take hold of its importance and still utilize it in composing and crafting new musical pieces.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Study On Computer Input And Output Devices

Study On Computer Input And Output Devices The history of ergonomics is start from Greece. The meaning of ergonomics come from Greek words ergon [work] and nomos [natural laws] and first entered the modern lexicon when Wojciech JastrzÄâ„ ¢bowski used the word in his 1857 article Rys ergonomji czyli nauki o pracy, opartej na prawdach poczerpniÄâ„ ¢tych z Nauki Przyrody (The Outline of Ergonomics, i.e. Science of Work, Based on the Truths Taken from the Natural Science). Ergonomics is the science of fitting workplace conditions and job demands to the capabilities of the working population. It can effective and successful to give user adaptation and guarantee for high productivity ,and avoid the illness or injury risk. Even more ,it increase the satisfaction of labor force. To assess the Ergonomics devices can suitable for user it depend on the devices size, shape, and how appropriate it is for the task. Besides that, Ergonomics draws on many disciplines in its study of humans and their environments, including anthropometry, biomechanics, mechanical engineering, industrial engineering, industrial design, kinesiology, physiology and psychology. Ergonomics also include 3 types. Physical ergonomics: Human anatomy, anthropometry, physiology and biomechanical characteristics as they relate to physical activity. And how the physical environment around you may affect your performance or understanding of the environment, the impact on people in these areas, especially the harmful effects. Then you can design one that will not damage their environment, they may even enjoy the experience Cognitive ergonomics: concern about mental process like perception, memory, reasoning and motor response , Because they affect interactions among humans and system interaction of other factors. Organizational ergonomics: is trying to organise people and the work to best effect. 3.0 Input devices Input devices is any peripheral equipment (computer hardware chip), data and control signals used to provide an information processing system (such as computer). 3.1 Mouse A mouse is a pointing device that functions by detecting two-dimensional movement relative to its supporting surface. Let user to control their personal computer. The first mouse is design by Engelbart in 1963,with the assistance of his colleague Bill English. The first mouse is heavy and big, used two gear-wheels perpendicular to each other: the rotation of each wheel translated into motion along one axis. Before, the ergonomic mouse designed have a old type of mouse named mechanical mice. It use a single ball that could rotate in any direction. But due to the ball touching the other surface ,to make the mouse work, the dust of the surface will stick with ball. After the ergonomic mouse is design, the disadvantage of the mechanical mice will be improve. Ergonomic have many type, such as the mouse using wireless or Bluetooth connect to computer named wireless mouse. So ,this kind of mouse is portable as long as it use inside the range with computer. Besides that, there is a 3D mouse. The method of using this mouse by push, pull, twist or tilt to simultaneously pan, zoom and rotate. So ,this kind of mouse is difference from other mouse. Other than that, there is a mouse is design for gamming ,because this kind of mouse has shortcut key. So, user can use the shortcut key to perform the action inside computer faster. Lastly, design of the sharp for mouse also important in ergonomic mouse. This is because, The sharp of mouse can let user shoulder or the muscle of hand reduce tension and comfortable to grip it. So ,The mouse can reduce the working disease like injury the muscle. 3.2 Keyboard Keyboard, typewriter keyboard, which uses the button or key arrangement, as a lever mechanical or electronic switch. After punch cards, paper tape through fax-type keyboard, interactive computer into the main input device. There is many type of keyboard can use in our life. They are Chorded keyboard ,Software keyboard ,Foldable keyboard ,Laser keyboard ,Optical keyboard technology. Chorded keyboard: Although other associated with a keyboard and keyboard chorded key combination and correlation of each key action, action. Because it use many combination available so can effectively produce more action on a board with fewer keys. Software keyboard: It is a software but display on the screen of the devices. Nowdays ,software keyboard is popular and normally can found inside of the touchscreen phone. Foldable keyboard: Folding (also known as flexible) is made of soft plastic or silicone keyboard can be rolled up or folded travel itself. [2] In use, the keyboard can meet these uneven surfaces, and more resistant to the liquid than the standard keyboard. These can also be connected to portable devices and smart phones. Some models can be completely immersed in water, so that they received in hospitals and laboratories, as they can be disinfected. Laser keyboard: Projection keyboard projects the image of a key, usually with a laser, to a flat surface. The device then use the camera or infrared sensor to monitor, the users finger moves, and will be counted as being pressed, the see the users finger to touch the projected image of the key. Projection keyboard can simulate from a very small projector full-size keyboard. Because the key is only projected images, they can not be considered when pressed. Projected increase in keyboard users often experience discomfort due to lack of their own fingers to when typing. Flat, reflective surfaces do not need to be projected onto the key . most of the projection makes use of the keyboard and PDA, because of its small size. Optical keyboard: This kind of keyboard that can help user neck and shoulders less tension when using it. Or the keyboard can move able ,connect by Bluetooth or wireless to computer. 3.3 Touchpad Touchpad pointing device is a special surface can translate the users finger motion and position in the relative position on the screen composition. They are a common feature of the notebook can also be used as a computer mouse in the desktop space is limited alternatives. Touchpad vary in size , but few make over forty 40 square centimeters (6.3 x 6.3 cm or about 6 inch ²). Touchpad is probably the most common form of tactile sensors. Touchpad is mainly used in a separate laptop, do not need the machine near the surface. Touch pad near the keyboard, only a very short finger movements is the need to move the cursor on the display screen, while beneficial, it also makes it possible for the users thumb moves the mouse cursor when typing accident. Feature is the touchpad on the desktop computer keyboard with the existing built-in touchpad. Touchpad can help reduce the tension of finger ,hand and shoulder. Using it also comfortable. It also consist of mouse function like right and left click ,scroll down or up. 4.0 Output devices Output device is a computer hardware device for communication with any part of the results of data processing information processing system (such as a computer) to the outside world. 4.1 Monitor Monitor is a computer display and related parts packaged in a physical unit that is separate from other parts of the computer. Monitor concern physical ergonomics side is about the height of monitor ,distance Between eye to monitor ,the monitor effect to body and the monitor setting. Normal monitor easy make our neck ,upper back and eye feel tired easily. Ergonomics monitor can help our neck ,upper back and eye reduce the tiredness. this is because ergonomics monitor can change the height ,setting and distance. Monitor distance should located directly in front of the user where the positioned to view monitor. The distance between eye to the monitor screen at less need around 17-20inch away. But if using a small monitor can located it closed a bit. If using a big monitor need to locate little farther away. Monitor setting can change the monitor resolution ,contrast and brightness. As the result, The setting can help user to view the monitor more clearly ,it also help user to reduce eye tiredness. Monitor height is important ,because it can prevent our neck and upper back muscle reduce tension. To determine the correct monitor height ,first sit infront of monitor and then close eyes and make the position of head and body in a neutral and comfortable position ,spine need be straight .After that open eye and note the point where your vision ,that is the correct monitor height. Monitor concern organizational ergonomics side is improve the monitor light weight ,reduce electric comsumption and the speed of display. CRT(cathode ray tube) is the 1st type of monitor. It has high dynamic range ,good colour ,wide gamut and low black level. It can also display natively in any resolution and refresh rate. However, CRT weight is too heavy and big size so now has less people using it. LCD(liquid crystals display) is come after the CRT. LCD is compact ,light weight ,low electric comsumption and no geometric. But ,LCD has a limited viewing angle and slow response times. So ,LCD is suitable for 1 person to view the monitor. Plasma is the lastest design for display. It mostly overcome the problem from CRT and LCD like high speed response ,viewing angle. Plasma same as LCD as compact and light weight ,so it easy to carry. However ,plasma is still facing the input lag problem. 4.2 Earphone Earphones are a pair of small speakers, or less see a speaker, has held close to the users ears, and connection methods, such as audio amplifier, radio or CD player to a method of source Type of earphone The special needs of the listener determines the choice of headphones. Should be noted that the portability of smaller, lighter headset, but it may mean a compromise in Fidelity. Hi-fi headphones as part of a family does not have the same design constraints can be larger and heavier. In general, the shape of the headset can be divided into four different categories: circumaural, supra-aural, earbud, and in-ear. Circumaural: Circumaural headphones (sometimes called full-size headphones) are round or oval-shaped ear pads, which should include the ears. Since these headphones completely surrounded ear, circumaural headphones can be designed completely sealed to prevent the head of any less intrusive external noise. Because of their size, circumaural headphones re, there are some units weighing more than 500 grams. Headband and ear pads requirements designed to reduce the discomfort caused by the weight. Supra-aural: Supra-aural pad sitting on top of the ear headphones, rather than around them. They are usually bundled with personal stereos in the 80s. This type of headphones, generally tend to be smaller and lighter than circumaural headphones, which reduce the external noise attenuation. Earbud: They are a smaller size, directly on the outside of the ear headphones, but it is not completely surrounded. They are generally inexpensive, is its portability and convenience of all ages. Since they can not provide any information they often use high-volume to cover up the environment from the user, thus increasing the risk of hearing loss noise. [2] 90 in the 20th century and 2000s, earbuds became a common type bundled with personal music device isolation. In-ear: Sometime it called as canalphones ,this kind of earphone are inserted directly into ear canal. It similar like earbuds,it portable and act as earplugs to block out environment sound. There are two main types of ear: General and customization. General canalphones provide one or more stock sleeve size (S) to fit various ear canal, which is commonly made of silicone rubber, elastomer, or foam noise isolation. Custom canalphones is installed on everyones ears. Ear tubes used in the manufacture castings made and create a custom casting silicone rubber or elastomer, to provide additional comfort and noise isolation plug. As it involves personal labor, custom ear than in the general ear and very low resale value, because they are less expensive and may be suitable for others. However ,the design of the earphones sharp or the music quality also important. This is because, different user has different needed. Example ,the user need the bass boots earphone so that they can listen the music more bass. In addition, for spot user the earphone can hang at ears and not easy to drop down ,so that user can enjoy the music and no need worry about the earphone drop down. 4.3 Printer Printer is peripheral which produces hard copy (permanent human-readable text and / or graphics) files stored in electronic form, usually paper or transparencies, such as physical print media, documents. Many printer is mainly used for local peripheral devices, and a printer via a cable connection, or in most newer printers, the computers USB cable to connect to it as a file source. Some printers, commonly known as a network printer with a built-in network interface, usually wireless and / or Ethernet-based, and can be used as any user on the network hard-copy devices. The following printing technologies are routinely found in modern printers: Toner-based/Laser printers: This kind of printer rapidly produces high quality text and graphics. As digital copiers and multifunction printers (MFP), laser printer uses electrostatic printing process, but the difference is that the image is made up of a printers photoreceptor cells across the laser beam directly scan analog copiers. Liquid inkjet printers: Inkjet printers operate by propelling variably-sized droplets of liquid or molten material (ink) onto almost any sized page. They are the most common type of computer printer used by consumers. Dye-sublimation printers: A dye sublimation printer (or dye sub printer) is a printer using a thermal transfer printing process using a plastic card, paper or canvas media such as dyes. This process is usually used to lay in a color panel ribbon, once a color. Dye sub printer is mainly used for high-quality color applications, including color photography and text suitable for the disadvantaged. Once the high-end print shops, dye-sublimation printer provincial consumers increasingly are used to dedicated photo printer. Inkless printers: There is two type of inkless printer. They are Thermal printers and UV printers. The work of selective heating thermal printer thermal sensitive paper of special areas. Black and white thermal printer for cash registers, ATM machines, gasoline and some old cheap fax machine. Color can be achieved with special paper, different temperatures and heating rates of different colors. One example is the Zink technology. Xerox is developing a inkless printer will use a special reusable paper, chemicals, UV-sensitive coating of several microns. The printer will use a special UV light bar will be able to write and erase the paper. As of early 2007, the technology is still in development and the printed page can only be maintained between 16-24 hours before fading text. 5.0 Conclusion: In this era ,the devices already improve by the time. So human can enjoy and get more benefit from the new design of devices. So ,ergonomic devices is important that can make our life more good. However ,we must rest around every 30min while using computer ,and also while rest can do some office exercise. This can maintain our body blood flowing.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Mother by Gwendolyn Brooks Essay -- My Children Heaven Essays Poet

The Mother by Gwendolyn Brooks "The Mother," by Gwendolyn Brooks, is a sorrowful, distressing poem about a mother who has experienced numerous abortions. While reading the poem, you can feel the pain, heartache, distress and grief she is feeling. She is both remorseful and regretful; nevertheless, she explains that she had no other alternative. It is a sentimental and heart wrenching poem where she talks about not being able to experience or do things with the children that she aborted -- things that people who have children often take for granted. Perhaps this poem is a reflection of what many women in society are feeling. The first stanza begins with a strong statement: "Abortions will not let you forget." It shows the sorrow and distress she is going through, grieving about future experiences (wondering, what might have been?) She says things like: "You will never wind up the sucking-thumb Or scuttle off ghosts that come. You will never leave them, controlling your luscious sigh, Return for a snack of them, with gobbling mother-eye." (7-10) These are a few o... The Mother by Gwendolyn Brooks Essay -- My Children Heaven Essays Poet The Mother by Gwendolyn Brooks "The Mother," by Gwendolyn Brooks, is a sorrowful, distressing poem about a mother who has experienced numerous abortions. While reading the poem, you can feel the pain, heartache, distress and grief she is feeling. She is both remorseful and regretful; nevertheless, she explains that she had no other alternative. It is a sentimental and heart wrenching poem where she talks about not being able to experience or do things with the children that she aborted -- things that people who have children often take for granted. Perhaps this poem is a reflection of what many women in society are feeling. The first stanza begins with a strong statement: "Abortions will not let you forget." It shows the sorrow and distress she is going through, grieving about future experiences (wondering, what might have been?) She says things like: "You will never wind up the sucking-thumb Or scuttle off ghosts that come. You will never leave them, controlling your luscious sigh, Return for a snack of them, with gobbling mother-eye." (7-10) These are a few o...

Friday, October 25, 2019

George Meade :: History

George Meade Do you know who was the general for the Second Battle of Bull Run? Everyone knows what the Second Battle of Bull Run is but who was the general? Some people even know that the North won that battle. Most people do not know that General George Meade defeated General Lee at that battle. General George Mead accomplished much during wartime. General George Meade had many accomplishments during wartime. First of all, he defeated General Lee at the Second Battle of Bull Run. Why would not General Meade crush General Lee at this battle and end the war there? Facts say that heavy fog and rain forced Meade to stop. Likewise, on June 1, !863 a surprise encounter forced his troops into the Battle of Gettysburg, the greatest battle on American soil. This battle came about when General Lee's army needed shoes. The two forces met here on accident and fought to a victory for the North. Lee acknowledged his defeat and retreated to Virginia. Not only did Meade serve in the Civil War, but also served in the Mexican War. He served in the battles of Palo Alto, Monterey, and Veracruz. During these he served under General Zachory Taylor. To sum up, General George Meade accomplished many things during his time at war. Each of General George Meade's accomplishments had one major effect on how life is today. To start, if Meade had not defeated Lee at the Second Battle of Bull Run the war would not have started off positively for the North. This was important because the soldiers gained their confidence when they won this battle. If the North would have lost the entire war the U.S. would be two different countries. Secondly, Meade's defeat of Lee at the accidental Gettysburg. This was a battle that turned the war around and gave the North the advantage. This was the North's first victory in a long time. Finally, if the U.S. had not have won the Mexican War, Where Meade served as a soldier, the U.S. would not have gained the southwest portion of the country. This ,as you remember, was where the gold rush took place that caused the country to spread out over the land. As has been shown, Meade's accomplishments had many effects on how life is lived today. There are many things that would be different if George Meade had never lived.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Harry Potter and the Philosiphers Stone imaginary writing

I have missed you ever so much. Things are wonderful; I actually made some friends today. Namely Ron Weasley, he a funny, ginger hair boy, a bit obnoxious I must say but lovely all the same. Oh, and guess who the other one is? The famous HARRY POTTER! He's such a lovely boy, handsome and heroic. They saved me from a troll! How weird? I know. What is a troll doing in a school? I bet that's what you're probably asking? It was enormous and vile! It was a dreadful ordeal and I would not wish such a thing upon no one. After charms class we were on our way to dinner and I overheard Ron talking about me and making harsh remarks that I think I'm better than everybody else, that I am snob and a ‘know it all'. I then ran off as I was hurt by those words and spent the rest of the evening crying in the girl's toilet. Meanwhile Professor Quirell ran into the dinner hall screaming, ‘TROLL in the dungeon, TROLL in the dungeon, I thought you ought to know' and then he fainted. After the Professor's traumatic display, the teachers ran off to get rid of the troll while Harry and Ron came in the toilets to warn me of that a troll was on the school premises. But believe it or not immediately after they entered the toilets, the troll came in and that was when everything got very chaotic. The troll tried to attack us; Ron then used a spell that we learnt earlier in charms class to control the troll's club and used it to clobber it on the head until it fainted and Harry then dragged me to safety. It was one of the most horrific and terrifying experience I have ever encountered in my life. I really do appreciate Harry's bravery and Ron's quick thinking, so all in all it was a joint effort that saved your precious daughters life. But let's not dwell on the negative events that took place at Hogwarts. On a positive aspect we won the gold cop for Gryffindor house. At first I did not think that we would stand a chance because the end-of-year feast was decked out with Slytherin colours of green and silver to celebrate Slytherin's winning the house cup for the seventh year in a row. There was a huge banner showing the Slytherin serpent covered the wall behind the high table. Dumbledore began awarding the houses with their points; â€Å"in fourth place, Gryffindor, with three hundred and twelve points,† I really did not know what to say, and I felt so disappointed. Not to my surprise in first place was Slytherin with four hundred and seventy-two. A storm of cheering and stamping broke out from the Slytherin table. Dumbledore then said â€Å"yes, yes, well done, Slytherin.† â€Å"However, recent events must be taken into account†, and the room went silent. Then he says he has a few last-minute points to dish out. â€Å"First to Mr Ronald Weasley, for the best-played chess Hogwarts has seen in years, I award Gryffindor house fifty points†. â€Å"Second to Miss Hermione Granger†¦ for the cool use of logic in the face of fire, I award Gryffindor house fifty points†. I then buried my face in my arms from disbelief. Dumbledore then said â€Å"third to Mr Harry Potter†¦for pure nerve and outstanding courage, I award Gryffindor house sixty points.† Everyone knew that Gryffindor now had four hundred and seventy points – exactly the same as Slytherin. We had drawn for the House Cup – if only Dumbledore had given Harry just one more point. Dumbledore raised his hand and the room gradually went silent. â€Å"There are all kinds of courage,† he said smiling. It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends. I therefore award ten points to Mr Neville Longbottom.† A loud noise erupted from Gryffindor table and Harry, Ron and I stood up and cheered with exhilaration, we were so overwhelmed with excitement, we just could not keep still. In an instant the green became scarlet and the silver became gold; the vast Slytherin serpent vanished and a soaring Gryffindor lion took its place. It really felt great and I am looking forward to next year. My first year has almost ended but it was a remarkable and an awe-inspiring experience, surely one I will never forget. It seemed that thing would be back to normal next year, well as normal as it ever was at Hogwarts. I can't wait to see you Mum and Dad. I love you loads. Tell every one high and I will be home soon.

Obtaining a college degree Essay

Obtaining a college degree is one of the most important goals in my life. I know that with a college degree I could have better opportunities to realize my dreams. I am an international student and I find life in this country exciting, new and it seemed that everyday is a learning experience. I feel that there is so much more that I could learn, so much more to experience and to discover. I am Chung, Sung-Joo and I am applying in your university to continue my studies in the field of economics. I come from a place where education is valued and highly prized. I know that my parents and family will be proud of me when I get into a university and I am doing my best to not fail them. The dream of earning a degree from a prestigious university has been my inspiration to continue studying despite the difficulties of adjusting to a new country and new culture. The image in my mind of going to school everyday in this university and attending classes and meeting new people have kept me going and pulled me through two years of preparatory training. Applying to the University of California is the next installment to the realization of that dream. Being accepted would be an accomplishment in itself and if ever I will be given the chance to continue my studies in this institution then I am prepared and able to give my best and fulfill my desire for learning and to become an expert in the field of economics. Early in my life, I have understood why my parents have worked so hard to send me to a good school and why they have encouraged me to seek education in this country, and until now I believe in their conviction that having a quality education is the key for success later in life. I bring with me that conviction, hence I am committed to finishing this course, and I will work hard, persevere in the face of difficulties, find meaning in my lessons, respect my teachers and participate wholeheartedly in my classes. I believe that if a person desires and prays for that which he holds dear then it will be given to him. I know that with hard work, dedication to my studies and being happy with what I do will take me closer to that degree. Academically, I know that I can cope with the demands of university rigors. I am good with numbers and I can easily understand concepts like trends and patterns of movement, and I do believe that I have the analytical mind necessary for the study of economics. I have been well trained by my mentors in Diablo Valley College and they have all encouraged me to apply in your school. I trust their judgment and I know that your program will give me the knowledge and skills to become an analytical economist. I am also good at understanding relationships between ideas and or events, I am fairly certain that economists should be good at critical thinking, problem solving and forecasting. I think that I have the necessary background for furthering a degree in economics, although I must admit that I still need to improve in my verbal communication skills and in speaking the language more fluently. But I know that despite the language difficulty, my earnest desire to learn would surpass it. I have adequate computer skills, I have an eye for details, I am careful with my work and I have a working study habit. I am also adept at research and I like doing practical application projects as it helps me test the concepts I learned from class and I enjoy working with a topic and finding more about it. I know that so many students come to you every semester and I do hope that I will be among those you would consider to accept. Reference Peterson’s Undergraduate Database (2006). Â  New York: Thomson Learning Inc.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Incarceration as the common solution to the rise in crimes Essay

In today’s society incarceration in a correctional facility is a common punishment for those who have committed a crime. Earlier responses to crimes were brutal and often tried to relate the punishment to the crime itself. Prisons are not as old as some may think and be established because of displeasure from extensive use of brutal corporal and capital punishment. The Pennsylvania and Auburn systems were two of the earliest modern prison systems that highlighted the opportunity for prisoners to reform. Prison labor can play an important role in a countries economy and overtime can cut many costs. The history of punishment can be described in one word, brutal. Early forms of punishment included torture, beatings, branding, mutilation, and death (Seiter, 2011). Most misdemeanor crimes were punished with fines but more serious offenses were punished with public shame, a period of time in the stocks, or a mark on an individual’s body to identify the offense (Lynch, 2011). Early forms of punishment attempted to relate the punishment to the crime such as liars had their tongues ripped out and thieves had a finger or hand cut off (Seiter, 2011). Some forms of punishment were not directly harmful such as exile from a community or tribe. This would ensure the individual does not repeat the offense but could also cause death because the individual could not survive in the wilderness alone (Seiter, 2011). In England, deportation was a common form of punishment and they would send their prisoners or criminal to their colonies. Prisons are not as old as some may believe. Many people were not satisfied with the response to criminal behavior and found the criminal codes were inhumane. They found judges did not want to impose more severe punishments for fairly minor offenses. William Penn and the Quakers came up with a new criminal code to replace the old one that would abolish capital punishment for crimes other than homicide, provide free food and shelter to inmates, and replace the stocks with houses of detention (Seiter, 2011). This code was later repealed until the late 1700’s when Dr. Benjamin Rush revived the Quaker code and established the first prison in the United States. Rush converted a wing of the Walnut Street jail to house offenders as an alternative to corporal punishment (Seiter, 2011). This early prison stressed hard work and repenting for their offenses. The inmates were kept in individual cells and could not speak so they could avoid moral contamination among the other prisoners (Sei ter, 2011). Administrators would put masks on inmate’s faces when being moved because they did not want other inmates to identify each other. Prisoners were also given work to do in their cells and encouraged to read the bible. Overall the prison enforced strict discipline, hard labor, and solidarity. The Pennsylvania system incorporated the Walnut street jails ideas and operations and encouraged solitary confinement, hard labor, and silence for the inmates. The Pennsylvania system was intended to have prisoners separate from each other even when they were working so inmates would not be distracted and focused on their repentance. The Auburn prison system was first implemented in 1819 at the New York state prison in Auburn. It incorporates the Quaker principles of reformation and considered a less pure model than the Pennsylvania system (Barnes, 1921). The Auburn system incorporated different methods such as inmates together side by side while working, eating and praying but they returned to solitary cells at night. The Auburn system introduced a tier system of different levels of cells built above one another. They housed inmates according to their offenses such as first time and repeat offenders (Barnes, 1921). Inmates wore uniforms of different colors which represented the clas sification of their crimes. Prison labor can be an important part of a countries economy and it can help reduce the cost of keeping inmates in prison. In the past, prison labor has been used as a punishment for those who are incarcerated and is meant to be physically draining. Recently, prison labor has adjusted to help save the cost of housing inmates. By making the inmates work in the prison it cuts the costs because the prison does not have to hire people to do the jobs such as cooking, cleaning, and manual labor. Over the past twenty years, state has passed laws allowing the use of convict labor for commercial enterprises (Whyte & Baker, 2000). Prisoners now are allowed to manufacture many things ranging from blue jeans to auto parts. AT&T has even used prison labor for telemarketing services and in Oregon, prisoners do all the data entry and record keeping for the Secretary of States corporate division (Whyte & Baker, 2000). In today’s society incarceration is a common form of punishment for those who have committed a crime but that has not always been the case. Those who have committed a crime were often beaten, branded, mutilated or even put to death. Prisons are not as old as many may believe and come about because people did not believe in the corporal and capital punishments placed upon people. The Pennsylvania and Auburn systems both incorporated similar aspects but have many distinct features separating them such as their view on isolation. Prison labor has changed over the years and it can help cut costs.    References    Barnes, H. E. (1921). The Historical Origin of the Prison System in America. Journal of the American Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology, 12(1), 35-60. Retrieved May 8, 2015, from    Lynch, J. (2011). The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation’s Official History and Citizenship Website. Retrieved from    Seiter, R. P. (2011). Corrections: An introduction. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.    Whyte, A., & Baker, J. (2000, May 8). World Socialist Web Site. Retrieved from

How Have Us-China Relationship Been Refashioned By The Crisis Essay

The economic crisis experienced over the recent past has had a resoundingly negative effect across the globe. Altman (2009a, p. 527) describes it as â€Å"the worst in over 75 years. † Different people and different occurrences contributed variedly toward this crisis. However, most researchers tend to point fingers towards the US and blame it solely for orchestrating the crisis through its dubious economic policies and financial excesses (Dibb, 2009, p. 3 and Altman, 2009a, p. 527). Wright (2009, p. 59) furthers this ideology by saying that the recession originated in New York and, and like a wildfire, spread to Asia and other parts of the world. According to Altman (2009b, p. 5), as a result, â€Å"The overall picture is a grim one: a deep, truly global and destabilizing downturn, with world GDP falling for the first time in post-war period. Given rising populations, such an outright contraction is stunning. † China on the other hand chooses to distant itself away from the blame game. Wright (2009, p. 64) supports this reaction by saying that â€Å"China is not blaming US for the crisis. † According to them, the crisis was a culmination of a series of events performed by different countries in relations to their trading methods, economic policies, domestic marketing tendencies as well as overall governance. This has been a tactful stand for china more so with the looming speculations of them wanting to take full advantage of the crisis to impose influence of their minimally scathed domestic economy. It also provides a platform for good interrelations with the US, if need be, since there is no bad-blood between them as opposed to the critiquing nations. For china, their strong domestic market acts as a cushion in this tough time that many nations are languishing in economic distress. Despite facing low revenues from their exports and generally having to deal with the challenge of fluctuating prices of commodities, it has been able to get solace from their stable Foreign exchange trading (Altman, 2009a, p. 31). In sharp contrast, the US-the strongest nation in the world is finding it difficult to cope with the crisis. Apart from allegedly overspending beyond their means, the financial injuries in their banks and credit-markets combined with the unprecedented liquidity levels have forced US down on their knees (Altman, 2009b, 529). To make matters worse, there have been recent concerns of the US loosing its focus from ensuring coherence, coordination and leadership. Altman (2009b, p. ) equates this tendency to the inward preoccupation of the US with severe unemployment, housing challenges and fiscal pressures. He exemplifies this by saying, â€Å"US household lost 20 percent of their net worth in just 18 months, dropping from a peak of $64. 4 trillion in mid 2007 to $51. 5 billion at the end of 2008 (p. 3). On the other hand, it looks like china could increase its diplomatic presence in the development world by sharing its vast acumen of resources and ideologies (Altman, 2009b p. 3). According to Altman (2009a p. 28), â€Å"This relatively unscathed position gives china the opportunity to solidify its strategic advantages as the united States and Europe struggle to recover† by investing in places where US and Europe can’t. In essence, this rise by china combined with other Scandinavian countries threatens to overthrow USA from the global driving seat. Altman (2009a, 527) aptly describes it as â€Å"shifting the world’s centre of gravity away from the united states. †An Analyst like Dibb (2009, p. 2) is already voicing out his opinions to this by saying the global wealth is speeding from the east to west. In fact, he goes further and says â€Å"We think that the global financial crisis will hasten the relative decline of America and Improve China’s status (2009, p. 5). † Such opinions are, however, greatly discouraged as they may just aggravate the highly polarised relationship between China and USA. Rediker (2009, p. 555-556) challenges America to copy from other well doing countries if they are to survive. He further voices out the deficit in ideology and capital which has facilitated null movement of the US economy, and asks them to swallow their pride by borrowing a leaf from the attested pages of China’s ideologies. This is especially important with the rising concerns of China’s ascendancy in geopolitical standings based on the increased car sales, freight shipment and electricity consumption; thus offering it great financial leverage (Altman, 2009b, p. 7). Nevertheless, other analysts believe that this crisis may lead to a better relationship between China and US. This they believe can be done by Obama administration giving China a more central role in the IMF as well as bringing them to the G8 (Altman, 2009a, p. 528). To them, China ideologies in terms of geopolitical measures are similar to those of the US i. . both do not want Iran to acquire nuclear weapons. Again, both China and US are capitalist in nature and therefore finding a middle ground for a starting a mutual relationship will not be very problematic. Based on such factors, Altman (2009b, p. 7) concludes that â€Å"It is increasingly clear that the US-Chinese relationship will emerge as the most important bilateral one in the world. † As a point of caution, Dibb (2009, p. 3) warns that USA and China should treat one another with respect-if such a deal is struck- or else, dire consequences could erupt in the event of a mass unrest from either ends. Of course there are underlying issues like USA routing for free markets and China supporting a controlled market; which may presumably conflict. However, proponents of better relations between China and US believe that the overall good of the world will supersede such minor differences (Dibb, 2009, p. 4). It is desperate times for US and maybe, that is the reason why they are going for desperate measures. Being into the unchartered waters of financial down-surge, the US has taken stern measures to resuscitate its economy. This is based on the trial and failure of an example is them stopping to spend on discretionary items and are only focusing on only the basics. Through this, they are able to save more and pay down their debts. China has commended this move and said it opens doors for fostering better relationships with other countries (Altman, 2009a, p. 531). In conclusion, hope is not lost even in these difficult times of financial distress. Coincidentally, this crisis coincides with the tenure of Barrack Obama as president and his message of hope even in times of hopelessness. As for now, Atman (2009a, p. 39) say that â€Å"The united states will have to operate from a smaller global platform-while others, especially china, will have a chance to rise faster. † Critics should nevertheless watch for USA’s comeback; their slip does not mean they have fallen (Wright, 2009, p. 556). In fact, this should be a chance for both China and USA to demonstrate good leadership by working together. By doing this, the economic crisis-which not only affects the US and China but also other parts of the world will eventually be a thing of the past (Wright, 2009, p. 566).

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Should You Come Clean About Lying on Your Resume [INFOGRAPHIC]

Should You Come Clean About Lying on Your Resume [INFOGRAPHIC] We’ve all embellished our resumes from time to time. We’ve put down Excel proficiency knowing full well that the only thing we know how to do is copy and paste into a spreadsheet. We’ve listed ourselves as fluent in Spanish even though we barely passed high school Spanish (don’t judge me). But where do we draw the line between stretching the truth and lying? And when do you we come clean about lying on our resumes? If lying on your resume gets you the job but also gets you fired, is it really worth risking your professional reputation? Let’s take a gander at this infographic to get a better idea of when you should come clean about lying on your resume:Â   Source: [GQ]

Truman Doctrine Essays - Presidency Of Harry S. Truman, Free Essays

Truman Doctrine Essays - Presidency Of Harry S. Truman, Free Essays Truman Doctrine Truman Doctrine Pres. Harry S. Truman On March 12, 1947, President Harry S. Truman, before a Joint Session of Congress, declared it to be foreign policy to help any country threatened by communism. His specific request was for $400 million to help both Greece and Turkey financially. After listening to his request, Congress approved. After World War I, Great Britain rules the greatest empire. After two World Wars, Great Britain was hurt financially and physically. They now could not handle being a top world power. Two other countries that were hurt by World War II were Greece and Turkey. In February, Great Britain informed the United States that they were not able to provide financial aid to Greece and Turkey. Turkey was trying to modernize their society, and Greece was in a civil war. Since they needed money, and Great Britain was not able to provide financial aid, the United States was afraid that Greece and Turkey would fall into Soviet influence, meaning they could fall into communism. Dean Acheson, Undersecretary of State, met with members of Congress to discuss the importance of aiding Greece and turkey. He explained the Domino Theory, which meant if one nation were to fall into communism, neighboring states are weakened and would eventually fall into communism themselves. Realizing the importance of this threat, Congress accepted Truman?s request was accepted. Though his request was accepted, Congress wanted Truman to address this issue with the public; this would become a national broadcast. In his speech, Truman specifically stated that Greece and Turkey were right next to the Soviet Union and that both countries could fall into Soviet rule. He felt genuinely about the responsibility that the United States had in aiding other countries that are threatened by communism. He showed his concern by stating, ?I believe that it must be the policy of the United States to support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures. I believe that we must assist free peoples to work out their own destinies in their own way. I believe that our help should be primarily through economic and financial aid, which is essential to economic stability and orderly political processes.? After that quote, you may think to yourself, ?How bad can communism be for the United States to fight strongly against it Communism does not promote growth, nor does it allow you the freedom to choose what you want to do with your life. Basically, all people live the same lifestyles, and all the money to the elite of the country, kind of like a dictatorship. This shows that we Americans should be grateful that we have the decisions to pursue our desires and make our life the best of what we can make of it. This also shows how dedicated our government is to providing the people with what is best for us. Truman described that giving aid to Greece and Turkey was simply common sense to spend that money as an investment to promote world peace and world freedom. In May, Congress signed Truman?s request, American support was given to Greece and turkey. Turkey was able to resist Soviet pressure and the Greek government completely got rid of the communist rebellion by October. All in all, the Truman doctrine tried to save the world from becoming a communist country and I think it turned out to be successful. It saved two nations that were in risk of being controlled by the Soviets and possibly from becoming destroyed. Anyways, Stalin?s plan was to literally take over the world with his ideas and views. President Truman saved the world from the dangers of Communism and we should be grateful because if it wasn?t for him, we Americans would probably be taken over by a Communist supremacy.

Monday, October 21, 2019

HMS Warspite - Battleship of World Wars I II

HMS Warspite - Battleship of World Wars I II Launched in 1913, the battleship HMS Warspite saw extensive service during both world wars.  A Queen Elizabeth-class battleship, Warspite was completed in 1915 and fought at Jutland the following year. Retained after World War I, it moved between postings in the Atlantic and Mediterranean. After an extensive modernization in 1934, it fought in the Mediterranean and Indian Oceans during World War II and provided support during the Normandy landings. Construction Laid down on October 31, 1912, at the Devonport Royal Dockyard, HMS Warspite was one of five Queen Elizabeth-class battleships built by the Royal Navy. The brainchild of First Sea Lord Admiral Sir John Jackie Fisher and First Lord of the Admiralty Winston Churchill, the Queen Elizabeth-class became the first battleship class to be designed around the new 15-inch gun. In laying out the ship, designers elected to mount the guns in four twin turrets. This was a change from previous battleships which had featured five twin turrets. The reduction in number of guns was justified as the new 15-inch guns were substantially more powerful than their 13.5-inch predecessors. Also, the removal of the fifth turret reduced weight and allowed for a larger power plant which dramatically increased the ships speed. Capable of 24 knots, the Queen Elizabeths were the first fast battleships. Launched on November 26, 1913, Warspite, and its sisters, were among the most powerful battleships to see action during World War I. With the outbreak of the conflict in August 1914, workers raced to finish the ship and it was commissioned on March 8, 1915. HMS Warspite (03) Nation: Great BritainType: BattleshipShipyard: Devonport Royal DockyardLaid Down: October 31, 1912Launched: November 26, 1913Commissioned: March 8, 1915Fate: Scrapped in 1950Specifications (As Built)Displacement: 33,410 tonsLength: 639 ft., 5 in.Beam: 90 ft. 6 in.Draft: 30 ft. 6 in.Propulsion: 24 Ãâ€" boilers at 285 psi maximum pressure, 4 propellersSpeed: 24 knotsRange: 8,600 miles at 12.5 knotsComplement: 925-1,120 menGuns8 x Mk I 15-inch/42 guns (4 turrets with 2 guns each)12 x single Mk XII 6-inch guns2 x single 3-inch high-angle guns4 x single 3-pdr guns4 x 21-inch submerged torpedo tubesAircraft (After 1920)1 aircraft using 1 catapult World War I Joining the Grand Fleet at Scapa Flow, Warspite was initially assigned to the 2nd Battle Squadron with Captain Edward Montgomery Phillpotts in command. Later that year, the battleship was damaged after running aground in the Firth of Forth. After repairs, it was placed with the 5th Battle Squadron which consisted entirely of Queen Elizabeth-class battleships. On May 31-June 1, 1916, the 5th Battle Squadron saw action in the Battle of Jutland as part of Vice Admiral David Beattys Battlecruiser Fleet. In the fighting, Warspite was hit fifteen times by German heavy shells. HMS Warspite (left) and HMS Malaya (right) at the Battle of Jutland, 1916. Public Domain Badly damaged, the battleships steering jammed after it turned to avoid a collision with HMS Valiant. Steaming in circles, the crippled ship drew German fire away from the British cruisers in the area. After two complete circles, the Warspites steering was repaired, however, it found itself on course to intercept the German High Seas Fleet. With one turret still operational, Warspite opened fire before being ordered to drop out of line to make repairs. Following the battle, the commander of the 5th Battle Squadron, Rear Admiral Hugh Evan-Thomas, directed Warspite to make for Rosyth for repairs. Interwar Years Returning to service, Warspite spent the remainder of the war at Scapa Flow along with the majority of the Grand Fleet. In November 1918, it steamed out to aid in guiding the German High Seas Fleet into internment. After the war, Warspite alternated postings with the Atlantic Fleet and the Mediterranean Fleet. In 1934, it returned home for a large modernization project. Over the next three years, Warspites superstructure was greatly modified, aircraft facilities were built, and improvements were made to the ships propulsion and weapons systems. World War II Begins Rejoining the fleet in 1937, Warspite was sent to the Mediterranean as the flagship of the Mediterranean Fleet. The battleships departure was delayed for several months as the steering problem that had begun at Jutland continued to be an issue. When World War II began, Warspite was cruising the Mediterranean as the flagship of Vice Admiral Andrew Cunningham. Ordered to join the Home Fleet, Warspite took part in the British campaigns in Norway and provided support during the Second Battle of Narvik. Mediterranean Ordered back to the Mediterranean, Warspite saw action against the Italians during the Battles of Calabria (July 9, 1940) and Cape Matapan (March 27-29, 1941). Following these actions, Warspite was sent to the United States for repairs and re-gunning. Entering the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard, the battleship was still there when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor in December 1941. HMS Warspite in the Mediterranean, 1941. Public Domain Departing later that month, Warspite joined the Eastern Fleet in the Indian Ocean. Flying the flag of Admiral Sir James Somerville, Warspite took part in the ineffective British efforts to block the Japanese Indian Ocean Raid. Returning to the Mediterranean in 1943, Warspite joined Force H and provided fire support for the Allied invasion of Sicily that June. Remaining in the area, it fulfilled a similar mission when Allied troops landed at Salerno, Italy in September. On September 16, shortly after covering the landings, Warspite was struck by three heavy German glide bombs. One of these tore through the ships funnel and blew a hole in the hull. Crippled, Warspite was towed to Malta for temporary repairs before moving on to Gibraltar and Rosyth. HMS Warspite in the Indian Ocean, 1942. Public Domain D-Day Working quickly, the shipyard completed the repairs in time for Warspite to join the Eastern Task Force off Normandy. On June 6, 1944, Warspite provided gunfire support for Allied troops landing on Gold Beach. Shortly thereafter, it returned to Rosyth to have its guns replaced. En route, Warspite incurred damage after setting off a magnetic mine. After receiving temporary repairs, Warspite took part in bombardment missions off Brest, Le Havre, and Walcheren. With the war moving inland, the Royal Navy placed the battle-worn ship in Category C Reserve on February 1, 1945. Warspite remained in this status for the remainder of the war. Fate After efforts to make Warspite a museum failed, it was sold for scrap in 1947. During the tow to the breakers, the battleship broke loose and ran aground in Prussia Cove, Cornwall. Though defiant until the end, Warspite was recovered and taken to St. Michaels Mount where it was dismantled.

Designing Computer Based Training

Designing Computer Based Training Free Online Research Papers Recent popularity and consumer interest for individualized multimedia computer based programs within technical education training industries has created a demand for high quality software products. This demand has stimulated corporate training departments and educational institutions to invest large capitol resources for software and hardware to satisfy customer needs. Some training managers have chosen to outsource the responsibilities of the computer software development to expert programmers, experienced in this technology. But, many of the programmers developing the software do not have a background in curriculum development and instruction. Other managers have responded by hiring full time educators with computer skills and related professional technical experience to create or supervise the development of these computer based training programs. To aid these educators, software developers have created various levels of authoring and multimedia programs for those companies who prefer to write their own customized programs. Goals The primary goal of this paper is to provide a condensed review of the basic design principles necessary to create a quality computer based programs for technical training applications. This paper can then be used by industry as a resource or a supplemental guide for professional educators in other technical training programs at industrial organizations, associations, and schools. It will identify educational design principles for text and graphics within the software programs. Additionally, this paper will reference relevant research to support important concepts and learning theories as they apply to the learner. This paper will confirm my understanding regarding the use of instructional computer based training programs to teach technical information by reinforcing key principles. Core Instructional Events The core instructional events should be identified to be sure they are included during the development of the multimedia authoring software package. The beginning of the program should gain attention to the learner to make them interested and motivate to continue. The learning objectives should be stated to identify specifically what new knowledge the learner will acquire. The learning should be guided with clear directions and instructions of what steps and processes the student will be expected to take during the program. There should be a link to prior knowledge, if possible. In other words the program should build upon previously learned information. For example, a electronics course would build upon basic electrical ohm’s law theory. The software program should provide new and useful information for the learner. Otherwise, there would be no reason for them to continue using the program. There should be a required response on the screen, forcing learning involvement. This may be just a simple prompt to go to the next screen, or it could be a mini-quiz. By giving a quiz occasionally during the program, you are require continued response from the user. This will provide feedback to them that they are actually learning something. The quiz will enhance retention and learner interest. After the instructional materials are produced, the process of formative evaluation begins. The purpose of formative evaluation is to improve the materials through an organized system of field tests. Once the program is complete, a summative evaluation procedure should be developed to provide information and feedback on the final effectiveness of the materials. Components of Good Graphic Screens Keep the graphic simple as possible. Distilling the message to its barest essentials is important. Create an outline that you will be followed during the computer program with sub-components that clarify complex ideas. Follow your original outline throughout the program. The message on the computer program should sequence the outline while bringing materials together to provide the opportunity for understanding. Keep the graphic organized while creating a path for the eye to follow consistently across every screen. Remember that students from western cultures have learned to read from left to right. This means that when designing the program, the text and graphics will be read from the left side of the page first. Recognize that if a graphic is divided into quadrants, most readers read the upper left quadrant first, and the lower right last. Thus, do not place essential information in the lower right quadrant. Make some component of the graphic dominant. Use color and highlighting so that main ideas stand out. Use clip art graphics as cues to students, so they do not waste time trying to figure out the message. Divide the space in an interesting way. Students are easily turned off by graphics that consistently present information the same way on each screen. Use the different quadrants of the screen to make the student think cognitively of the topic. But, remember that the graphic must lead the eye to the written text, not distract from the message. Frame Protocol and Functionality Zones There are three typical types of instructional computer frames , they are: * Instructional * Practice-Question * Transitional. Instructional frames provide instructional content to the student. Practice and Question frames provide interactive opportunities for the students to practice what they have learned at whatever level is appropriate such as recall, recognition, or application. The Transitional Frames bridge lesson information between major parts of the program. Frame protocol is the consistent designation swof various zones as applied to each frame. These include the: * Header Zone * Information Zone * Directions Zone. The header zone or headline lets the student know where they are in the program. A headline is used here to draw the student’s attention to the topic of the particular screen. A headline mentally prepares the student for what follows and serves to reinforce the main idea. Present one idea per graphic is also critical. This principle helps to focus the reader and to avoid any distraction. Begin with a large font at first to capture the attention and help students concentrate on the subject. The information zone provides the instructional materials either through text, illustrations, or both. Graphic types within in this zone can be static (still) pictures, graphs, charts, or dynamic video clips The directions zone presents directions to the learner of what actions are required or available. This zone is normally found on the bottom or on the side of the screen. It provides the student with directional options such as forward, backward, or to the beginning. Graphics to Enhance the Learning Environment The graphic can be used to clarify the subject material while emphasizing a point by highlighting a particular piece of information. The graphic becomes another method of simplifying a complex topic. Adding variety to the computerized lesson is an effective way to keep students interested. Sustaining interest is difficult when all the student sees or hears is words. The use of good graphics can also help students to change focus, particularly helpful if the material being presented is complex or difficult to follow. Furthermore, good graphics help students to mentally record and remember main points during complex material. Graphics should only be used when appropriate. They should match the learner, content, and learning tasks. They should not distract, but they should serve their function. There are four types of graphics found within computer based training programs, they are: * Cosmetic * Motivational * Attention-getting * Presentation Graphics. Cosmetic graphics do not carry instructional value, but helps make the materials more attractive to the learner. However, these graphics should be designed with a true motivational impact to keep the learners interested in the program while giving a finished, polished, and commercial image. They should be planned early and not added to give length or quantity. They can be used to provide useful backgrounds and transitional screens. Motivational graphics provide meaningful context for learning while increasing the innate motivation of the learner. They should avoid distraction while increasing interest. Photographs and video can be included into these screens to trigger emotion and affective responses from the learner. Attention-getting graphics are designed to catch the eye of the learner and pull them back to the instruction of a particular task. The opposite or enemy to attention-getting graphics are boring repetitive and monotonous screens. Contrasting screen elements, such as animated dancing penguins or flashing bullets can also attract attention to a particular subject. Presentation graphics should be harmonious and relevant to the text. This graphic may be used as the primary vehicle of the lesson content. It may be used to supplement the verbal information via text or audio. When the text alone produces educational competency, graphics may not be necessary. A well constructed verbal message or text can sufficiently cue a learner to internally form the appropriate message intended by the designer. Additionally, reliance on external visual graphics may decrease with the age of the learner. Therefore, using pictures and other graphics may not be as important with adults as with children. The designer can use a framing device to distinguish a line of text or a illustration on the presentation graphic. This technique emphasizes text, while providing a visual graphic. Avoid Distracting the Learners Irrelevant clip art and pictures that detract from the message of the training program. Don’t use outdated pictures that won’t help reinforce current subject materials. Avoid illustrations that causes students to concentrate on the illustration and not the message. Don’t use poor quality illustrations. If illustration does not supplement, explain, or clarify the concept-don’t use it. Use visuals that fit the audience, especially the age or technical level. A graphic for entry level technicians may disinterest high level experienced personnel. Conversely, a sophisticated graph or chart may loose the attention and interest of the beginner technician because they cannot figure out why the graphic is used. The Impact of Color in Program Design Color is effective for attracting and focusing attention. However, the more color is used, the less effective it will be, because attention is not always drawn to disturbing colors. The attention-getting effect of color can and should be used to focus on important information. Color should function as a redundant cue, not as an essential part of the instructional program. Some colors, especially yellow and green, are easier to perceive than other. Red and blue are the most difficult colors to perceive. Also, be aware that color blind students cannot perceive either green or red. The use of color should be consistent with common usage’s in our society. Green signifies growth and movement and is often used by business personnel on illustrations when discussing fiscal growth. Blue conveys calm and peaceful. It is extremely useful when students attention span is limited or when introducing difficult to understand concepts. Red, although snappy and peppy, can over emphasize and indicate danger, especially when used with a green background. Yellow serves to highlight and is best used to get students to pay attention to a particular concept. The Role of Color in Documents Color have many roles in documents, especially in computer based training programs which instructional designers can use to improve comprehension. There are five important general functions that color can have in documents. They are: Directing attention Delimiting shapes and areas Clarifying complex ideas Facilitating identification Creating affect The first two, directing attention and delimiting shapes are considered preattentive processes. These processes operate rapidly, automatically, in parallel, and with little demand on cognitive processes. Clarifying complex ideas is a mixture of preattentive and controlled processing. Facilitating identification and creating effect are considered attentive processes. Attentive processes are under cognitive control, which means they operate in response to what we already know, to what are needs and interests are. Direction Attention-draws attention to the display that stands in contrast to other features on the screen. This effect is optimal when two colors are used, and attentuated when more colors are used or when features differ in color and at the same time shape and size. Shapes and Areas-applies various color to whole pages or text. Color can also be used to emphasize differences among blocks of text. Clarity-color cueing has the effect of clarifying the structure of a document as used with cartographers during the creation of a map to differentiate the various objects and figures. The same principle can be used to clarify the organization of text, with common features printed in black, and unusual features printed in red. Facilitating identification-color is a critical characteristic to identify many type of illustrations. For example, the St. Louis Cardinal baseball team use the red bird, the cardinal, as their team identifier. All of their marketing and merchandising products have the red bird on their products. Without this color, the team would not be recognized to a team like the Baltimore Orioles who use a orange bird as their team emblem. Many companies will use this color identification to enhance and develop product recognition by their customers. These same principles can be used with the computer based program by corporate logos or background colors. Creating effect-the color of text, backgrounds, graphics, and pictures influence the affective reactions we have to certain images. Thus, people tend to like colored materials more than black and white graphics. However, younger people react more to color but adults tend to react to the content of the material rather than the color. Text Appearance and Its Message The appearance of text has a message of its own, depending upon font size, color, and style. Fleming and Levie wrote that â€Å"text, like pictures, diagrams or charts, communicates a great deal of information by its appearance on the screen that is independent from the information conveyed in it words.† The look of text impacts on learning as much as the message. Therefore, the text format on the screen is critical to its effectiveness. The message should be distilled to its absolute core. Research Papers on Designing Computer Based TrainingOpen Architechture a white paperThe Project Managment Office SystemBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of SelfIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalStandardized TestingInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into AsiaThe Relationship Between Delinquency and Drug UseEffects of Television Violence on Children

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Why Bush and Lincoln Both Suspended Habeas Corpus

Why Bush and Lincoln Both Suspended Habeas Corpus On Oct. 17, 2006, President George W. Bush signed a law suspending the right of habeas corpus to persons determined by the United States to be an enemy combatant in the Global War on Terror. President Bushs action drew severe criticism, mainly for the laws failure to specifically designate who in the United States  will determine who is and who is not an enemy combatant. What, Really, a Time of Shame This Is... To President Bushs support for the law the Military Commissions Act of 2006 and its suspension of writs of habeas corpus, Jonathan Turley, professor of constitutional law at George Washington University stated, What, really, a time of shame this is for the American system. What the Congress did and what the president signed today essentially revokes over 200 years of American principles and values. But It Was Not the First Time In fact, the Military Commissions Act of 2006 was not the first time in the history of the U.S. Constitution that its guaranteed right to writs of habeas corpus has been suspended by an action of the President of the United States. In the early days of the U.S. Civil War President Abraham Lincoln suspended writs of habeas corpus. Both presidents based their action on the dangers of war, and both presidents faced sharp criticism for carrying out what many believed to be an attack on the Constitution. There were, however, both similarities and differences between the actions of Presidents Bush and Lincoln. What Is a Writ of Habeas Corpus? A writ of habeas corpus is a judicially enforceable order issued by a court of law to a prison official ordering that a prisoner must  be brought to the court so it can be determined whether or not that prisoner had been lawfully imprisoned and, if not, whether he or she should be released from custody. A habeas corpus petition is a petition filed with a court by a person who objects to his own or anothers detention or imprisonment. The petition must show that the court ordering the detention or imprisonment made a legal or factual error. The right of habeas corpus is the constitutionally bestowed right of a person to present evidence before a court that he or she has been wrongly imprisoned. Where OurRight of Habeas CorpusComes From The right of writs of habeas corpus is granted in Article I, Section 9, clause 2 of the Constitution, which states, The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it. Bushs Suspension of Habeas Corpus President Bush suspended writs of habeas corpus through his support and signing into law of the Military Commissions Act of 2006. The bill grants the President of the United States almost unlimited authority in establishing and conducting military commissions to try persons held by the U.S. and considered to be unlawful enemy combatants in the Global War on Terrorism. In addition, the Act suspends the right of unlawful enemy combatants to present or to have presented in their behalf, writs of habeas corpus. Specifically, the Act states, No court, justice, or judge shall have jurisdiction to hear or consider an application for a writ of habeas corpus filed by or on behalf of an alien detained by the United States who has been determined by the United States to have been properly detained as an enemy combatant or is awaiting such determination. Importantly, the Military Commissions Act does not affect the hundreds of writs of habeas corpus already filed in federal civilian courts on behalf of persons held by the unlawful enemy combatants. The Act only suspends the accused persons right to present writs of habeas corpus until after their trial before the military commission has been completed. As explained in a White House Fact Sheet on the Act, ... our courts should not be misused to hear all manner of other challenges by terrorists lawfully held as enemy combatants in wartime. Lincolns Suspension of Habeas Corpus Along with a declaring martial law, President Abraham Lincoln ordered the suspension of the constitutionally protected right to writs of habeas corpus in 1861, shortly after the start of the American Civil War. At the time, the suspension applied only in Maryland and parts of the Midwestern states. In response to the arrest of Maryland secessionist John Merryman by Union troops, then Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Roger B. Taney defied Lincoln s order and issued a writ of habeas corpus demanding that the U.S. Military bring Merryman before the Supreme Court. When Lincoln and the military refused to honor the writ, Chief Justice Taney in Ex-parte MERRYMAN declared Lincolns suspension of habeas corpus unconstitutional. Lincoln and the military ignored Taneys ruling. On Sept. 24, 1862, President Lincoln issued a proclamation suspending the right to writs of habeas corpus nationwide. Now, therefore, be it ordered, first, that during the existing insurrection and as a necessary measure for suppressing the same, all Rebels and Insurgents, their aiders and abettors within the United States, and all persons discouraging volunteer enlistments, resisting militia drafts, or guilty of any disloyal practice, affording aid and comfort to Rebels against the authority of United States, shall be subject to martial law and liable to trial and punishment by Courts Martial or Military Commission: Additionally, Lincolns proclamation specified whose rights of habeas corpus would be suspended: Second. That the Writ of Habeas Corpus is suspended in respect to all persons arrested, or who are now, or hereafter during the rebellion shall be, imprisoned in any fort, camp, arsenal, military prison, or other place of confinement by any military authority of by the sentence of any Court Martial or Military Commission. In 1866, after the end of the Civil War, the Supreme Court officially restored habeas corpus throughout the nation and declared military trials illegal in areas where civilian courts were again able to function. On Oct. 17, 2006, President Bush suspended the constitutionally bestowed right of writs of habeas corpus. President Abraham Lincoln did the same thing 144 years ago. Both presidents based their action on the dangers of war, and both presidents faced sharp criticism for carrying out what many believed to be an attack on the Constitution. But there were some significant differences and similarities in both the circumstances and the details of the two presidents actions. Differences and SimilaritiesRecalling that the Constitution allows for the suspension of habeas corpus when Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it, lets consider some of the differences and similarities between the actions of Presidents Bush and Lincoln. Presidents Bush and Lincoln both acted to suspend habeas corpus under the powers granted to them as Commander in Chief of the U.S. Military during a time of war.President Lincoln acted in the face of an armed rebellion within the United States Ââ€" the U.S. Civil War. President Bushs action was a response to the Global War on Terrorism, considered to have been triggered by the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in New York City and the Pentagon. Both presidents, however, could cite Invasion or the much broader term public Safety as constitutional triggers for their actions.President Lincoln suspended habeas corpus unilaterally, while President Bushs suspension of habeas corpus was approved by Congress through the Military Commissions Act.President Lincolns action suspended the habeas corpus rights of U.S. citizens. The Military Commissions Act of 2006, signed by President Bush, stipulates that the right of habeas corpus should be denied only to aliens detained by the United States.Bot h suspensions of habeas corpus applied only to persons held in military prisons and tried before military courts. The habeas corpus rights of persons tried in civilian courts were not affected. Certainly the suspension even if temporary or limited of any right or freedom granted by the U.S. Constitution is a momentous act that should be carried out in only in the face of dire and unanticipated of circumstances. Circumstances like civil wars and terrorist attacks are certainly both dire and unanticipated. But whether one or both, or neither warranted the suspension of the right of writs of habeas corpus remains open for debate.

Manson Family Member Lynette Squeaky Fromme

Manson Family Member Lynette Squeaky Fromme Lynette Squeaky Fromme Lynette Squeaky Fromme became the voice of the  cult leader, Charlie Manson when he was sent to prison. After Manson was sentenced to life in prison, Fromme continued to devote her life to him. To prove her devotion to Charlie, she aimed a gun at President Ford, for which she is now serving a life sentence. In 2009, she was released on parole. Unlike most other former Manson family members, it is said that she has remained loyal to Charlie. Frommes Childhood Years Lynette Alice Squeaky Fromme was born in Santa Monica, California on October 22, 1948, to Helen and William Fromme. Her mother was a homemaker and her father worked as an aeronautical engineer. Lynette was the oldest of three children and was one of the star performers in a childrens dance troop called the Westchester Lariats. The troop was so talented that they performed around the country and appeared on the Lawrence Welk show and at the White House. Fromme Leaves Home During Lyns junior high school years she was a member of the Athenian Honor Society and the Girls Athletic Club. Her home life, however, was miserable. Her tyrannical father often berated her for minor things. In high school, Lyn became rebellious and began drinking and taking drugs. After barely graduating, she left home and moved in and out with different people. Her father put a halt to her gypsy lifestyle and insisted that she return home. She moved back and attended El Camino Junior College. Fromme Meets Charlie Manson After a ferocious argument with her father over the definition of a word, Lyn packed her bags and left home for the final time. She ended up at Venice Beach where she soon met Charlie Manson. The two talked at length and Lyn found Charlie captivating as he spoke of his beliefs and his feelings about life. The intellectual connection between the two was strong and when Manson invited Lyn to join him and Mary Brunner to travel the country, Lyn quickly agreed. Fromme and George Spahn As the Manson family grew, Lyn seemed to hold an elite spot in the Manson hierarchy. When the family moved onto the Spahn ranch, Charlie assigned Lyn to the job of caring for 80-year-old, George Spahn who was blind and also the caretaker of the property. Lyns name eventually changed to Squeaky because of the sound she would make when George Spahn would run his fingers up her legs. It was rumored that Squeaky took care of all of Spahns needs including those of a sexual nature. Squeaky Becomes The Head of the Family In October 1969, the Manson family was arrested for auto theft and Squeaky was rounded up with the rest of the gang. By this time, some of the group members had participated in the infamous murders at the home of actress Sharon Tate and the murders of the LaBianca couple. Squeaky had no direct involvement in the murders and was released from prison. With Manson in jail, Squeaky became the head of the family. She remained dedicated to Manson, branding her forehead with the infamous X. Squeaky is Arrested Numerous Times The authorities did not like Squeaky or any of the Manson family for that matter. Squeaky and others she directed were placed under arrest numerous times, often because of their actions during the Tate-LaBianca trial. Fromme was arrested on charges including contempt of court, trespassing, loitering, attempted murder, and lacing a hamburger given to ex-family member Barbara Hoyt with an overdose of LSD. The Ever Devout Squeaky In March of 1971, Manson and his co-defendants were sentenced to death, later changed to a life sentence. Squeaky moved to San Francisco when Manson was transferred to San Quentin, but prison officials never allowed her to visit him. When Manson was moved to Folsom Prison, Squeaky followed and lived in a home in Stockton, CA with Nancy Pitman, two ex-cons, and James and Lauren Willett. Prosecutor Bugliosi believed the Willetts were responsible for the death of defense lawyer, Ronald Hughes. International Peoples Court of Retribution On Nov. 1972, James and Lauren Willett were found dead and Squeaky and four others were arrested for the murders. After the four confessed to the crime, Squeaky was released and she moved to Sacramento. She and family member Sandra Good moved in together and began the International Peoples Court of Retribution, a fictitious organization used to scare corporate executives into believing that they were on a large terrorist organizations hit list because they polluted the environment. Order of the Rainbow Manson recruited the girls as nuns for his new religion called the Order of the Rainbow. As nuns, Squeaky and Good were forbidden to have sex, watch violent movies, or smoke and were required to dress in long hooded robes. Manson renamed Squeaky Red and her job was to save the Redwoods. Good was renamed Blue because of her blue eyes. Assassination Attempt Red was committed to making Manson proud of her environmental work, and when she found out that President Gerald Ford was coming to town, she stuck a .45 Colt automatic into a leg holster and headed out to Capital Park. As Ford came through the crowd, Squeaky Red Lynette Fromme pointed the gun at Ford and was immediately taken down by the Secret Service. She was charged with attempting to assassinate the President, although it was later disclosed that the gun she carried did not have bullets in the firing chamber. Sentenced to Life in Prison As was the Manson way, Fromme represented herself at her trial but refused to present testimony that was relevant to the case and instead used it as a platform to speak about the environment. Judge Thomas McBride ultimately removed her from the courtroom. At the end of the trial, Fromme hurled an apple at U.S. Attorney Dwayne Keyes head because he had not turned over exculpatory evidence. Lynette Fromme was found guilty and sentenced to life in prison. A Less Than Model Prisoner Frommes prison days have not been without incident. At a prison in Pleasanton California, it was reported that she brought the claw end of a hammer down on the head of Julienne Busic, a Croatian Nationalist who was imprisoned for her involvement in a 1976 airline hijacking. In December 1987, she escaped from prison in order to see Manson who she heard was dying of cancer. She was quickly caught and returned to prison. She served until 2009 when she was released on parole. See Also: The Manson Family Photo Album Source:Desert Shadows by Bob MurphyHelter Skelter by Vincent Bugliosi and Curt GentryThe Trial of Charles Manson by Bradley Steffens